Narrative Theory: Roland Barthes

How did Barthes suggest texts could be?
Open (unravelled in numerous ways) and Closed (one obvious reading)
1 of 7
What are the 5 codes he suggested, that are woven into any narrative?
Action, Enigma, Symbolic, Semantic, Cultural
2 of 7
What is his Action Code?
This code contains sequencial elements of action in the text, and adds elements of suspense.
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What is his Enigma Code?
This code refers to the mystery within a text. Clues are dropped, but no clear answer is given. Enigmas make the audience want to know more, but left unanswered could lead to frustration
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What is his Symbolic Code?
This code is about what you can see in a text, it often exercises opposites to show contrast to create greater meaning.
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What is his Semantic Code?
This code refers to parts within a text that suggests or refers to additional meanings
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Wha is his Cultural Code?
This code refers to anything in the text which refers to an external body of knowledge such as; scientific, historical...
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Card 2


What are the 5 codes he suggested, that are woven into any narrative?


Action, Enigma, Symbolic, Semantic, Cultural

Card 3


What is his Action Code?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is his Enigma Code?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is his Symbolic Code?


Preview of the front of card 5
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