Milgram's study 1963

What caused Stanley Milgram to conduce his experiment?
He wanted to know if all people would obey orders like the Nazis soldiers obeyed orders to perpetrate genocide on the Jewish race. Also at the time Milgram was focusing on obedience, Adolf Eichmann was being tried for crimes committed against Jews.
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What was the aim of Milgram's study?
To test the idea that the Germans were somehow different from other people. He wanted to see if volunteers would obey orders and give electric shocks to someone they thought was just another participant.
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What question did he want to answer?
'How far would people go to follow obedience to authority?'
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Describe the sample
Volunteer sample from newspaper, 40 men, 20-50 years old, New Haven area, white American, any occupation
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What happened in the experiment?
Participant was rigged to be a teacher who was supposed to administer shocks if the the learner (an actor) got a memory question wrong. The shocks went to a deadly 450v which would easily kill a person. However, the actor was not receiving them.
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What kept the participants from stopping?
The experimenter used verbal prods whenever the participant hesitated.
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What four verbal prods did the experimenter use?
'Please continue'/ 'Please go on', 'The experiment requires that you continue', 'It is absolutely essential that you continue' and 'You have no other choice - you must go on'. If the participant was still refusing, then the study was stopped.
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What % of the people went up to 450v?
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What was the lowest voltage that the participants stopped on?
300v (100% obeyed to 300v)
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What is meant by obedience?
Obedience means obeying direct orders from someone in authority.
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Is Milgram's original study generalisable?
Milgram's original study is not generalisable as all the participants were middle class, American Males and so it can only be generalised to American males.
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Card 2


What was the aim of Milgram's study?


To test the idea that the Germans were somehow different from other people. He wanted to see if volunteers would obey orders and give electric shocks to someone they thought was just another participant.

Card 3


What question did he want to answer?


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Card 4


Describe the sample


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Card 5


What happened in the experiment?


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