Marriage and the issue of succession

Give 4 reasons why Elizabeth should marry?
Already 25 yrs old, unmarried women are considered being 'unnatural', the urgency of the need for an heir, the possibility of a foreign ally
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What were Elizabeth's 4 reasons not to Marry?
Use of potential marriage was a useful diplomatic tool, Danger of foreign husband dominating English policy, English husband could upset the balance of power of the nobility, problems of husband's beliefs
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Elizabeths European suitors
Philip II of Spain, Ferdinand and Charles (Australian Archducks) prince Eric Of Sweden, Duke of Alencon
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Why did Philp of Spain want to Marry Elizabeth?
he wanted to avoid France gaining influence if MQS took the throne
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Why did Elizabeth show political wisdom in rejecting the idea of Marriage to Philip?
she was aware of how unpopular his influence at court was and FP
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On realizing Elizabeth would not Marry Elizabeth, what did he do?
suggest his cousins
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Why was Ferdinand the Austrian Archduke's sons of the new HRE seen as unsuitable?
he was Catholic and unable to compromise with Elizabeth's settlement
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When did he propose?
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How long do Charles another Archduke ponder how long on marriage?
10 yeards
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Why was he considered for 10 years?
he was a useful tool in attempts to secure an alliance with the Habsburg and HRE
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Who was Prince Eric of Sweden?
protestants and the heir to the Swedish throne, although relatively little importance in terms of Alliances
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provide evidence to show that he strongly persuaded a marriage
gave her lavish gifts,
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What did she do regarding his courtship?
reject it slowly
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How long did Elizabeth consider the Duke of Alencon/ Anjou?
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In 1579, how old was Elizabeth and how old was Alencon?
46, 24
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Despite the age gap, what showed the 2 become very close?
she dubbed him her 'frog'
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Although Elizabeth does not seem to have desired the match, why did Cecil?
for the sake of an alliance against France
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Who did Elizabeth try to influence with this courtship?
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Possible English suitors
Earl of Arundel, Robert Dudely
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Earl of Arundel an unlikely match?
(1559 )he was Catholic, and Elizabeth saw little from marrying a noble or member of the gentry lower than her social status
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Explain Elizabeth's relationship with Robert Dudley?
friends with Elizabeth since childhood and was her court favorite until his death in 1588 despite occasional disagreements, Elizabeth kept his portrait and letter by her bed until her own death and she was devastated by his death
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Why did Elizabeth not marry Dudely ( son of Duke of Northumberland)?
it would cause faction rivalry and the scandal surrounding his wife's Amy's death when she 'fell' down the stairs
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Why was not marrying a disadvantage?
Elizabeth's advisors sort to marry her as a diplomatic too and solve uncertainty in terms of the lack of an heir
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Why was Elizabeth's refusal to marry was politically wise?
she has little to gain marrying an English inferior suitor, aware of the unpopularity of Mary's Spanish marriage, remaining unmarried allowed her to retain RA, dignity and magnificence
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Why was there a succession crisis of 1562?
Elizabeth was taken seriously ill with Smallpox, the disease could be very fatal
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After she recovered, what 2 issues were amplified?
the issue of Elizabeth's marriage and who would succeed the throne
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What did advisories recognize that if Elizabeth had died and not named a successor what would happen
a potential civil war
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What did Elizabeth say to parliament in 1563 when they urged Elizabethan to name a successor?
'defer mine answer till some other time
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What was parliament's relationship with Elizabeth on this issue?
they clashed over it
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The main contenders for the succession
MQS, James VI, Catherine and Mary Grey
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Why did MQS pose a threat to Elizabeth?
she was Catholic and seen as a superior alternative to Elizabeth to those wishing to return England to the catholic faith
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Who was James VI?
MQS soon, his father was Lord Darnley, Earl of Angus,
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Why was James VI seen as a more acceptable successor in the eyes of LIZ and her council?
he was raised as a protestant Scottish Lords after. Mary was forced to flee Scotland
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Due to the longevity of Elizabeth's reign by the time of her death was James the only strong contender as a successor?
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Who were Catherine and Mary Grey?
The Granddaughters of Henry VIII's sister Mary to Charles Brandon (Duke of Suffolk) and sister of LJG, blood claim and Protestants as could have been named as Marys successor
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Why can Elizabeth's refusal to name a successor be interpreted as a weakness in government?
caused debate and uncertainty and posed a danger if she died unexpectedly
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However, why was not naming a successor actually a wise policy?
gave her options to negotiate with foreign powers, naming a successor may have also switched people's loyalties
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Judgment in succession
rather than a sign of weakness and self-interests, she probs followed the wisest path
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What were Elizabeth's 4 reasons not to Marry?


Use of potential marriage was a useful diplomatic tool, Danger of foreign husband dominating English policy, English husband could upset the balance of power of the nobility, problems of husband's beliefs

Card 3


Elizabeths European suitors


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did Philp of Spain want to Marry Elizabeth?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did Elizabeth show political wisdom in rejecting the idea of Marriage to Philip?


Preview of the front of card 5
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