Long term effects of exercise

Muscles become stronger
You can complete moves with less chance of beaking a bone
1 of 12
Joints become more stable
There is less chance of injury and you can put more power into moves
2 of 12
Stronger ligaments and tendons
There is less chance of injury and prevents ripping
3 of 12
Flexibility at joints increase
Allows you to move more freely and help prevent pulled muscles
4 of 12
Lower resting heart rate
It allows your working heart rate to be lower and your cardio improves
5 of 12
Recovery rate imporves
Helps you recover quicker and therefore perform quicker
6 of 12
Greater tolerance to lactic acid
Helps you muscles not to ache after exercise
7 of 12
Increased number of capillaries
Helps blood flow around the body which creates an oxygen flow around the body
8 of 12
Breathing becomes more efficient
Your muscles are supplied with more oxygen and this allows more oxygen to be supplied to the lungs
9 of 12
Vital capacity increases
More air can be breathed out of the body in one breath
10 of 12
Impoved lung capacity
More oxygen can be supplied to working lungs
11 of 12
More oxygen
As more oxygen is flowing around the body there is less fatigue
12 of 12

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Card 2


There is less chance of injury and you can put more power into moves


Joints become more stable

Card 3


There is less chance of injury and prevents ripping


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Allows you to move more freely and help prevent pulled muscles


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


It allows your working heart rate to be lower and your cardio improves


Preview of the back of card 5
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