what is network topology?
Network topology is the arrangement of the elements of a communication network. Network topology can be used to define or describe the arrangement of various types of telecommunication networks, including command and control radio networks, industrial fie
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what is a bus topology?
Bus topology is the kind of network topology where every node, i.e. every device on the network, is connected to a solo main cable line.
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what is a ring topology?
Ring Topology is a topology type in which every computer is connected to another computer on each side. The last computer is connected to the first, thus forming a ring shape. This topology allows for each computer to have exactly two neighboring computer
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what is a star tropology?
Star Topology is the kind of network topology in which all the nodes are connected via cables to a single node called a hub, which is the central node. The hub can be active or passive in nature. Active hubs contain repeaters, while passive hubs are consi
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what is a mesh tropology?
Mesh topology is the kind of topology in which all the nodes are connected with all the other nodes via a network channel. Mesh topology is a point-to-point connection. It has n(n-1)/2 network channels to connect n nodes.
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what is a tree tropology?
Tree topology is the topology in which the nodes are connected hierarchically, with all the nodes connected to the topmost node or root node. Hence, it is also known as hierarchical topology. Tree topology has at least three levels of hierarchy.
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what is a hybrid tropology?
A Hybrid Topology is basically a network topology comprising two or more different types of topologies. It is a reliable and scalable topology, but simultaneously, it is a costly one. It receives the merits and demerits of the topologies used to build it.
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Card 2


Bus topology is the kind of network topology where every node, i.e. every device on the network, is connected to a solo main cable line.


what is a bus topology?

Card 3


Ring Topology is a topology type in which every computer is connected to another computer on each side. The last computer is connected to the first, thus forming a ring shape. This topology allows for each computer to have exactly two neighboring computer


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Card 4


Star Topology is the kind of network topology in which all the nodes are connected via cables to a single node called a hub, which is the central node. The hub can be active or passive in nature. Active hubs contain repeaters, while passive hubs are consi


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Card 5


Mesh topology is the kind of topology in which all the nodes are connected with all the other nodes via a network channel. Mesh topology is a point-to-point connection. It has n(n-1)/2 network channels to connect n nodes.


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