Invasion of Lebanon by Israel

  • Created by: kte10
  • Created on: 11-06-21 17:24
What two religious groups made up Lebanon?
Christians and Muslims
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What are the reasons for instability in Lebanon in the 1970s?
Very different sects have always made up Lebanon
By the 1970s the Muslim population had taken over the Christians and were demanding more power
Palestinian refugees after the 6 day war, PLO moved to Lebanon after being expelled from Jordan in 1970
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How did PLO bombing of Israeli settlements from Lebanon lead to civil war in Lebanon?
Israel retaliated killing both Lebanese and Palestinians
1975- Lebanese army tried to regain control of the south, the army was mainly Christian - Lebanese Muslims joined up with the PLO and resisted the Lebanese govt- soon their was civil war
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What was the trigger for Israeli invasion of Lebanon?
PLO suicide squad bombed a bus in Tel Aviv killing 37 passengers
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Who were the new Defense and Foreign Minsters for Israel in 1982 and what were their attitudes towards war?
Sharon and Shamir - had a preference for military action, especially when it came to Palestinian issue
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What regional and international factors led to the invasion of Lebanon is 1982?
Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations had been completed - didn't have to focus on the threat in the south
War with Syria was on the cards
US secretary of state was not openly opposed to Israeli invasion - nothing should be done without clear provocation
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What were the key aims of Operation Galilee, 1982?
1- Eliminate the PLO from Lebanon
2- create a new political order in Lebanon- Maronite leader
3- expulsion of Syrian troops
4- destruction of Palestinian nationalism in the West Bank and Gaza
5- free Israel from past traumas such as the 1973 war
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Why did Israelis lay siege to West Beirut?
Maronites refused to attack the Muslims
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What happened by August 1982?
PLO fighters agreed to leave - 11,000 leave for Tunis in Algeria
Key Maronite leader is killed - part of Israeli plan
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Card 2


What are the reasons for instability in Lebanon in the 1970s?


Very different sects have always made up Lebanon
By the 1970s the Muslim population had taken over the Christians and were demanding more power
Palestinian refugees after the 6 day war, PLO moved to Lebanon after being expelled from Jordan in 1970

Card 3


How did PLO bombing of Israeli settlements from Lebanon lead to civil war in Lebanon?


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Card 4


What was the trigger for Israeli invasion of Lebanon?


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Card 5


Who were the new Defense and Foreign Minsters for Israel in 1982 and what were their attitudes towards war?


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