interview - phd

why a PhD in general
Passion for science (dev during degree)- want to develop my skills, become an independent, innovative researcher - become an expert in this important field
ultimately I want to be contributing to scientific research with the wider aim of helping patients
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Why this PhD in particular
Really exciting topic, skills I want to develop - therapeutic pipeline appealing
Great research group, interdisciplinary - great place to develop and thrive
And just exp SU today has been lovely, I can see this being a lovely place to settle as a researc
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Plans for the future
< 3 research - stay in academia, very important foundational work for drug development
Develop my skills further - cell work, animal work - professional dev = big = keen to try all
Collaborate and learn from experts,
- want to contribute to scientific fi
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Why me?
Passionate about field - therapeutics, patients
Proactive + motivated - p.development
Experienced: comfortable in lab setting, aware of challenges of research - able to creatively problem solve independently.
More than prepared and capable of undertaking
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challenges of this project?
Ofc PhD is challenging - expect, gonna be frustrating, need resilience & p.p.s attitude
STEM CELLS - temperamental
Faith that I will be surrounded by experts who can help support me p.s
Exp in optimising protocols, troubleshooting whilst setting up MS -
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why this PhD in particular


Really exciting topic, skills I want to develop - therapeutic pipeline appealing
Great research group, interdisciplinary - great place to develop and thrive
And just exp SU today has been lovely, I can see this being a lovely place to settle as a researc

Card 3


Plans for the future


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why me?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


challenges of this project?


Preview of the front of card 5


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