Histology- Connective tissue

  • Created by: Ruth
  • Created on: 04-02-13 11:18
What is connective tissue?
The tissue that supports, binds or seperates more specialised tissue in the body.
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What are the main constituents of connective tissue?
Fibroblasts and ECM.
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What is the ECM?
Extracellular Matrix. It consists of amorphus ground substance made up of glycosamnoglycans(GAGs) embedded in elastic, collagenius and reticular fibres(fibrillar proteins). The basement membrane is also part of this.
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What is a connective tissue?
Bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, adipose areolar and elastic tissue
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What are GAGs?
Glycosaminoglycans are large polysaccharide chains with repeating units.
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What are proteoglycans?
GAGs covalently bonded to proteins which are capable of maintaining a large hydration space in the ECM.
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What does connective tissue develop from embreyologically?
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What are fibroblasts?
Cells which secrete ECm components in most tissues.
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What cells secrete ECM in cartilage?
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What other specialised ECM secreting cells are there?
Osteocytes, adipocytes and myofibroblasts.
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What are the four main proteins in ECM?
Collagen, fibrillin, elastin, fibronectin
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What is collagen?
A family of proteins which are the most important of the extracellular fibrillar proteins.
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How many types of Collagen are there?
11. You need to worry about I-V.
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What is type I collagen?
30% body protein, including loose fibrous tissue, bone, ligaments and skin.
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What is Tpye II collagen?
Hyaline and elastic cartilage making up vertebral disks and vitreous of the eye.
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What is Type III Collagen?
Reticular fibres of liver, spleen, lymph nodes, blood vessels, lung, nerve.
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What are reticular fibers?
Thin fibrils of type III collagen which have a supportive function.
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What is Type IV Collagen?
Basement membranes including the microfilter in the kidney.
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What is Type V Collagen?
Embreyonic tissue and basement membrane of placenta.
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What is fibrillin?
A glycoprotein prominent in elastic containing ECM. It mediates adhesion between constituents of the ECM.
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What is Elastin?
A hydrophobic protein which assembles into filaments and sheets through cross linking.
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What cells secrete Elastin?
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What is scurvy?
Defective collagen production as a result of vitamin C deficiency.
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What are the three main types of adult connective tissue?
Loose Irregular, dense, specialised
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What is loose irregular connective tissue?
Mesentry, cells and fibrous proteins are low in number and randomly arranged.
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What is Dense connective tissue?
Tendons, regular arrangement. Dermis, Irregular arrangement.
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What are specialised connective tissues?
Adipose and reticular.
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What makes up the basal lamina or basement membrane?
Collage IV and lamina. It connects the tissues to the ECM
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What are the main types of cartilage?
Hyaline cartilage, Fibrocartilage and Elastic Cartilage.
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What is Hyaline cartilage?
Contains only type II collagen. It is teh fetal skeleton adn is the articular surface in joints as well as support in the respiratory passages.
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What is fibrocatilage?
Contains both type I and II collagen, it is a component of intervertebral disks and is the tendon attachment to bones.
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What is elastic cartilage?
Contains elastic fibres and type II collagen. Mainly in the ear and the larynx.
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What are the main constituents of connective tissue?


Fibroblasts and ECM.

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What is the ECM?


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What is a connective tissue?


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What are GAGs?


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