Musculoskeletal system


Muscle tissue 

  • Main characteristic of muscle tissue is that it conracts, or shortens with a force and is responsible for movement. 
  • Muscle contraction is accomplished by the interaction of  ontractile proteins. 
  • Muscles contract to move the enteire body, to pump bood through the heart and blood vessels, and decrease the size of the hollow organs, such as stomach and unirary bladder. 
  • Three rtpes of muscle tissue - skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle. 

Skeletal muscle - Attached to bones, very long, cylindrical cells, multinucleated loacated, voluntary control, moves the body. 

Cardiac msucle - In the heart, cylindrical cells that branch, single, centrally located, involuntary, provides the major force for moving blood through the blood vessels, branching fibers, intercalated disks containing gap junctions joining the cells to each other. 

Smooth muscle - In the walls of hollow organs, blood vessels, eyes, glands, skin, spindle-shapped cells, single, centrally located, involuntary, moves food through the digestive tract, empties the urinary bladder, regulates blood vessels diameter, changes pupil size, contracts many gland ducts, moves hair, performes fuctions, gap junctions. 

Marfan syndrome 

  • Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder. 
  • Cides for a protein called fibrillin-1, necessary for thr normal structure of the elastric fibers of connective tissue.
  • Children have a 50% chance of inheriting the disorder. 
  • 25% of cases of Marfan syndrome occur in chilkdren whose parents do not have the disorder.
  • Many people have limbs longer. 
  • Connective tissue is weaker, poor vision, lungs may collapse. 

Skeletal muscle

  • What we think as muscle. 
  • Meat of animals and is 40% of weight. 
  • Skeltal muscle attaches to the skelton and enables the body to move. 
  • Under voluntary control because a person can cause skeletal muscle contraction to achieve body movement. 
  • Nervous system can cause skeletal muscle to contract, occurs duirng reflex movements and maintance muscle tone. 
  • Skeletal muscles cells and long
  • Skeletal muscle cells extend the netire length of a muscle. 
  • Are striated or banded, because the arrangement of contractile proteins in cell. 

Cardiac muscle

  • Is the muscle of the heart, resposnsible for pumping blood. 
  • Cardiac muscle is under nvoluntary control, although a person can learn to influence the heart by using techniques such as medication and biofeedback. 

Synovial membranes

  • Line fereely movable joints. 
  • Made up of only connective tissue. 
  • Consist of modified connective tissue cells, intermixed with part of dense connective tissue to joint capsule or separated from the capsule by areolar or adipose tissue. 

Functions of the skeletal system 

  • The skeltal system has four components: bones, tendons, and ligaments 
  • Body support - Rigid, strong bone is well suited for bearing weight and is the major supporting tissue of the body. Cartilage provides a firm yet flexible support within certain structures. Ligaments, strong bands of fibrous connective tissue, hold bones together. 
  • Organ protection - bone is hard and protects the organs is surrounded. The skull encloses and protects the brain, vertebrae surround the spinal cord. Rib cage protects the heart, lungs and organs. 
  • Body movement - skeletal muscles attach to bones by tendons, which as strong bands…


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