Henry VIII Economic Development

What was enclosure?
The fencing in of common land, making it private property
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What was the true cause of most of the economic problems in Tudor England?
Population increase
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What years did Tudor kings pass legislation to prevent enclosure?
1489 and 1514-15
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What year did Wolsey launch a national enquiry into the effectiveness of the previous legislation?
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How many landowners entered into recognisances to rebuild demolished farmhouses/restore lands?
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When did Wolsey suspend his enclosure policy?
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Why did Wolsey suspend his enclosure policy?
He needed to secure the landowners' support for the parliamentary subsidy for the war against France
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Why does Wolsey's suspension of his enclosure policy raise suspicions?
He might've campaigned against enclosure to weaken his opponents rather than for humanist motives
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What was profiteering?
Charging excessive amounts for basic things like foodstuffs
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From which court did Wolsey deal w/ food racketeers?
Court of Star Chamber
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When did Wolsey fix poultry prices in London?
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When did Wolsey undertake a recoinage, increasing the number of coins in circulation?
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How did Wolsey's alliance w/ France against Spain cause problems?
Trade embargo against Spain coincided w / bad harvest of 1527
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When did riots take place in East Anglia, the south east and the south west?
Spring 1528
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What evidence is there to agree with John Guy's argument that "England was economically healthier...under the Tudors than at any time since the Roman occupation"?
↑ population w/ ↓ mortality, ↑ farming incomes, debasement
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What evidence is there to disagree with John Guy's argument?
Bad harvests in the 1520's → inc. food prices, ↓ wages, poverty
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How did Henry VIII respond to explorers?
Little interest; didn't build on early achievements from Cabot/Bristol merchants
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Who benefited from the population increase?
Farmers; adapted to changing conditions and rising agricultural prices
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was the true cause of most of the economic problems in Tudor England?


Population increase

Card 3


What years did Tudor kings pass legislation to prevent enclosure?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What year did Wolsey launch a national enquiry into the effectiveness of the previous legislation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many landowners entered into recognisances to rebuild demolished farmhouses/restore lands?


Preview of the front of card 5
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