Goal Setting

Oettingen (2000)
Fantasy realising theory
1 of 30
143 female ** ostensibly study about day dreams
2 of 30
What do you imagine?
met him at a party
3 of 30
What is fantasy reality?
mentally elaborate 2 positive and 2 negative aspects of the real situation
4 of 30
What is positive fantasy?
Elaborate 4 positive aspects
5 of 30
What is negative reality?
Elabrate 4 most important negative aspects
6 of 30
What is control?
Arithmetic tasks
7 of 30
What is the fantasy reality?
Fantasy reality subsequently more eager to meet Michael
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What is fantasy reality?
contrast positive fantasies with negative aspects of reality o relates future ideas with here and now – possibility of change
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What is positive fantasy?
o No necessity to act is experienced. Success is independent of need to change
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What is negative fantasy?
o Ignore positive aspects of the future. No direction to act
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Bargh Automotive theory
goals can become activated without awareness
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What happens in the Automotive theory?
o mental links form between situations and goals often pursued o situation subsequently activates goal o requires an initial reflective goal that is repeated over time
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What is the existence of implicit motives?
o natural incentives that do not require awareness o does not require an intention to be formed – biologically based
14 of 30
What is intention
behaviour gap
15 of 30
What is predecisional action phases?
Deliberating goals and choosing between them
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What is preactional phases?
Planning goal directed actions and getting started
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What is actional phases?
Successfully achieving the goal
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What is postactional do?
Evaluating the outcome
19 of 30
What is the implemental mindset?
 focus on relevant information (less distracted)  process desirability information in a biased manner (less doubts)  process feasibility information in a biased manner (more optimisitc
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What is planning for goal achievment?
 ‘If I encounter situation x, then I will perform the goal directed behaviour Y’ (If – then plans)
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What is implementation intentions?
 delegate control of behaviour to the environment  action representation activated by cues – automate behaviour
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What is the reduce problem of?
 initiaing goal directed behaviour… but also…  stabilising goal striving (resisting distractions)  shielding goal striving from obstacles
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What is specific external cues and desired behaviour?
 If it is 5pm on Monday, then I will jog home from work!’
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What is focus on stabiling goal striving?
 ‘If I feel really tired at the end of the day on Monday, I will tell myself, ‘I can do it, I will feel good if I run home!’
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What is focused on shielding physical activity goals?
 ‘If I start thinking about getting the bus home, then I immediately ignore that thought’
26 of 30
What happened to 41 heroin addicts at a German hospital?
 20 experiencing withdrawal, 21 no longer in withdrawal
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What were half the participants told to do?
Randomly assigned to make a irrelevant imp  regarding having lunch  half assigned to make a relevant imp  where they would compose it, when, how to start
28 of 30
What did the relevant imp group do?
more likely to hand in a cv the next day  for both those in withdrawal and those past it
29 of 30
When was it helpful ?
Under high cognitive load
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2




143 female ** ostensibly study about day dreams

Card 3


What do you imagine?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is fantasy reality?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is positive fantasy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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