Sports unit 5

  • Created by: Chloe
  • Created on: 22-01-20 10:30
What is PST?
Psychological skills training - the systematic learning and practise of psychological skills to improve performance.
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Mental toughness
The ability to concentrate/persist/recover from failure etc.
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4 constructs of mental toughness?
Control (capacity of having influence), Confidence (strong self belief), Commitment (tendency to take part), Challenge (seeing change as opportunity to learn instead of threat).
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PST programmes typically target...
Arousal, anxiety regulation, imagery skills, confidence, coping with failure.
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3 phases of PST?
Education phase, Acquisition phase, Practise phase.
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Education phase
Being able to recognise the importance of psychological skills. Linking psychological skills to own experience. Conduction of a needs analysis - establishing the skills they have/don't have, by self report or tests.
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Acquisition phase
Athlete learns the skills needed. Group and individual training to provide a range of strategies such as positive self talk or matching hypothesis.
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Practise phase.
Making the skills automatic and second nature. Hence they will be applied in competition. Good to monitor and record progress of when the skills did or did not work.
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Types of goal
Subjective (not measurable) and Objective (measurable)
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3 types of objective goals
Outcome, performance and process.
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Outcome goals
Focused on the result like goals/winning. Depend on you and the opponent. Can fail when you've run the fastest you've ever run.
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Performance goals
Within your control, usually comparing with own performance. Focusing on achievable standards independent of others, running a mile in 7 mins.
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Process goals
Actions you need to engage in to perform well like when to release the basketball. Process goals tend to be associated with greater performance success but some researchers think multiple goal strategies are the most effective.
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What was Hardy's rule of thumb for goal setting?
Competition goals should be set at a level which the performer can achieve 70% of the time during normal training.
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Goal setting guidelines
Goals should be specific, short term, realistic, challenging, made public, written down, flexible.
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2 Stress management techniques
Cognitive techniques (mind to body) and Somatic techniques (body to mind)
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Aim of stress management techniques
Control physiological responses to a situation, even though you previously thought it to be uncontrollable. Controlling distracting thoughts and replace them with the right mental set.
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Physiological / Somatic response examples
Physical relaxation, autogenic training, biofeedback, yoga, exercise.
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Cognitive response examples.
Positive self talk, mental relaxation, imagery based relaxation, meditating, reading, watching TV.
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Autogenic training
Passive somatic and cognitive attention, but begins with active cognitive generation of sensations such as warmth in particular areas of the body.
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Positive self talk/cognitive restructuring
Active generation of positive verbal statements
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Zen meditation
Passive somatic attention - relaxed breathing
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Imagery/ auto hypnosis
Self generation of cognitive behaviour, with passive attention to somatic processes.
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Hatha yoga
2 procedures - bodily postures and breathing control. Active self generation of somatic behaviours.
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Physically oriented approach to train individuals to recognise and control physiological processes. Uses monitoring devices.
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Multimodal stress management programmes
Stress inoculation, Cognitive affective stress management, Visuomotor behaviour rehersal
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Stress inoculation training
Learning to manage the increasing levels of stress, thereby 'inoculating' against the stress. Think positively. 3 phases, conceptualisation, rehearsal and application.
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Cognitive affective stress management training
Emphasises the use of relaxation skills and cognitive restructuring. 4 stages, pre treatment assessment, treatment rationale, skill acquisition and skill rehersal.
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Visuo motor behaviour rehersal.
VMBR was an adaptation of training to overcome phobias. Combines relaxation and imagery where a specific skill is mentally practised under a demanding sport condition.
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PMR Progressive Muscular Relaxation
Systematic focus of attention on various muscle groups around the body. Individual tenses and releases each muscle group in turn. Ultimate goal is to able to relax in 20-30 seconds.
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Phase 1 of PMR
15 minute PMR session practiced twice a day
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Phase 2 of PMR
Release only stage, 5-7 minutes
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Phase 3 of PMR
2-3 minute version with the use of the 'relax' instruction
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Phase 4 of PMR
Time taken reduced until a few seconds are needed
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Phase 5 of PMR
Technique practiced in specific situations
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Transcendental meditation TM
Comfortable position, closing eyes, relaxing muscles, focusing on breathing and repeating a mantra or key word such as 'calm'
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What does TM do
Shown to be associated with reduced oxygen consumption, decreased respiration, slower heart rate, lower blood pressure, decreased responsitvity of the sympathetic nervous system
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Mental toughness


The ability to concentrate/persist/recover from failure etc.

Card 3


4 constructs of mental toughness?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


PST programmes typically target...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


3 phases of PST?


Preview of the front of card 5
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