Geography - AQA - Human Population

  • Created by: Adele
  • Created on: 29-01-13 10:48
Explain what population is.
Population is the number of people in a certain/given area.
1 of 6
Explain what birth rate means.
Birth Rate is the term used to define the number of babies born every year per 1000 people in a population.
2 of 6
Explain what death rate means.
Death Rate is the term used to define the number of deaths every year per 1000 people in a population.
3 of 6
Explain what natural change, increase and decrease means.
Natural increase in a population occurs where Birth rate is greater than death rate. That is, that there are more births than deaths in that population in a year.
4 of 6
Explain what life expectancy means.
Life expectancy – Is the average age to which a person lives. E.g. this is 79 in the UK and 48 in Kenya.
5 of 6
Name the 5 stages of the demographic transition model.
Stage 1 – High fluctuating, Stage 2 – Early expanding, Stage 3 – Late expanding, Stage 4 – Low fluctuating, Stage 5 – Decline
6 of 6

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Card 2


Birth Rate is the term used to define the number of babies born every year per 1000 people in a population.


Explain what birth rate means.

Card 3


Death Rate is the term used to define the number of deaths every year per 1000 people in a population.


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Card 4


Natural increase in a population occurs where Birth rate is greater than death rate. That is, that there are more births than deaths in that population in a year.


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Card 5


Life expectancy – Is the average age to which a person lives. E.g. this is 79 in the UK and 48 in Kenya.


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