Geography: Year 10 Term 2: London Case Study - Sustainable Urban Living

What are the issues surrounding water conservation? (2)
Only as much water should be taken from the environment as can be naturally replaced
1 of 12
How does water conservation solve these issues? (4)
Rainwater collection reduces uses, Toilets using less water to flush reduces usage, Water metres reduce usage, Campaigns encourage less usage
2 of 12
How does London tackle water conservation? (3)
2020-25 water meter rollout scheme, Lobbying for metres promoting efficiency, Promotion of water payment options
3 of 12
What are the issues surrounding creating greenspace? (2)
Cities are dirty and noisy, which is unsustainable as this is pollutive and a stressful environment
4 of 12
How does creating greenspace solve these issues? (4)
Cities remain pleasant places, Provides cool areas, Encourages exercise, Provides a break from noise/bustle
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How does London tackle greenspace creation? (3)
700 rooftop gardens (175,000m2), Creation of public spaces eg Olympic Park, 38% London land is greenspace
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What are the issues surrounding energy conservation? (2)
Fossil fuels are dirty and will run out, Renewable energy is expensive
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How does conserving energy solve these issues? (4)
Renewable sources promoted, Excess renewable energy sold to encourage having solar panels, New homes meet energy requirements, Less energy usage encouraged
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How does London tackle energy conservation? (3)
350,000 lofts have been insulated and 257,000 cavity walls installed, 803,000 efficient boilers installed, 19,000 houses have photovoltaic cells
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What are the issues surrounding waste recycling? (2)
Landfill is unsustainable, Burning rubbish produces CO2
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How does recycling waste solve these issues? (4)
Collection of recycling boxes avoids effort putting people off, Recycling facilities ensure larger items can be recycled, Websites offer items for free so they are not wasted, Fewer resources used when recycling occurs
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How does London tackle waste recycling? (3)
Plans to achieve zero waste to landfill by 2025, Be carbon-neutral for 40% of waste by 2031, Cut greenhouse emissions by increasing capacity to deal with waste
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Card 2


How does water conservation solve these issues? (4)


Rainwater collection reduces uses, Toilets using less water to flush reduces usage, Water metres reduce usage, Campaigns encourage less usage

Card 3


How does London tackle water conservation? (3)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the issues surrounding creating greenspace? (2)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does creating greenspace solve these issues? (4)


Preview of the front of card 5
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