Genetic variation and modifying

  • Created by: Morgan
  • Created on: 28-03-17 19:34
Two types of reproduction
Asexual, sexual
1 of 24
+ What is sexual reproduction
+ reproduction with two parents, two sets of23 chromosomes. + Gentic variation
2 of 24
+ Name examples of gametes, what are gametes?
+ sex cells + sperm+ egg
3 of 24
+ Name factors of asexual reproduction
+ one parent + no genetic variation + clone
4 of 24
+ Give examples of asexual reproduction
+ Bacteria + Starfish +plants with bulbs
5 of 24
+ Why is no variation badI
+ All same +No differences+ one disease could kill whole population
6 of 24
+ What is tissue culture cloning?
+ Small group of cells from plant grow to new plants
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+ What is a zygote?
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+ explain an embryo transplant
+ splitting apart cells from a developing embryo + before cells are specialised + embryo planted into womb
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+ Name how there can be variety asexual reproduction
+ Mutation
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+ Name variation in sexual reproduction
+ combination of different sets of emetic information
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+ Name one other way variation can be caused
+ environment + eg. Nutrition, light
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Name the steps of embryo transplant in a cow
+ sperm from bull implanted into cow + zygotes develop into embryo + embryos split into more embryos + they are transplanted into host mother's womb
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Adavantgages of embryo transplants in cow
+ Higher yield of milk
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Advantage of embryo transplants generally in farming
+ Faster than normal sexual reproduction
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+ disadvantages if embryo transplants
+ unethical +against religious beliefs + could begin making human clones
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+ name adult cell cloning steps
+nucleus removed from unfertilised egg + replaced with nucleus of an adult cell + electric shock is used to trigger cell division + embryos contain same genetic information as adult
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Disadvantages of adult cell cloning
+ Child has genes of an elder person, problems, easily death + unethical +against god
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Advantages of adult cell cloning
+ stops extinction + animals with ideal chacrterisics
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Explain the steps of genetic energineering
+ enzyme cuts out insulin gene from DNA of a human cell + remove ring ofDNA from bacterium and open it with enzyme + insert insulin gene into plasma using enzyme + bacteria in fermanenter + each new bacteria has insulin gene
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+ what cuts out th gene and puts gene into plasma
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+ Where is insulin inserted into
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+Genoese can modify animals and plants with ideal characteristics + healthy gene intodiseased emrbyo + crops are ideal
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+ disadvantages of GE
+ Long term effects on humans health + weeds may get gene of resistance to herbicides + designer babies
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


+ What is sexual reproduction


+ reproduction with two parents, two sets of23 chromosomes. + Gentic variation

Card 3


+ Name examples of gametes, what are gametes?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


+ Name factors of asexual reproduction


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


+ Give examples of asexual reproduction


Preview of the front of card 5
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