Gender Identity - Lang in the Media/Gender and Power

What does Connell state about the roles of men and women?
They have different roles in the family. Women - maternal. Men - breadwinner. Women are expected to show emotion whereas men are not.
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What else does Connell state about how gender roles?
1) Women judged for looks, men judged on a wider range of things like intelligence and skill. 2) Aggression/toughness are seen as positive for men. 3) Men can be sexually promiscuous, if a woman is it' seen as deviant.
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State the four identities James Gee proposed in his Identity Theory.
Nature Identity, Discursive Identity, Affinity Identity and Institutional Identity.
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What is Nature Identity?
Genes and natural characteristics people inherit from their parents.
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Discursive Identity?
Come across in conversations (what others think of them and what they think of themselves based on conversing with others).
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Affinity Identity?
How past time activities and belonging to certain chosen groups make people feel about themselves.
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Institutional Identity?
What society expects people to behave like in an environment, E.G school.
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Judith Butler is a theorist of power, gender, sexuality and identity. In the given page, what is her opinion on feminism?
That it contributes to the divide between men and women. Feminism made a mistake by trying to assert that 'women' were a group with common characteristics and interests.
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How does Butler view the way in which gender is constructed?
She believes gender is not the result of nature, but socially constructed and reinforced by society through media and culture.
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Butler believes mass media helps to define gender and reinforces the stereotypical male and female roles we see. How does she think gender should be seen?
Gender should be seen as a fluid variable which shifts and changes in different contexts.
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Outline Queer theory.
Challenges the way in which heterosexuality is constructed as normal and homosexuality as deviant.
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What does Queer theory state about media represenations?
Historically, there is very little represenations of gay men and women in media. Hetero 'normal', homo 'sinful'.
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Define 'camp' in terms of gender identity.
This challenges the notions of masculinity. An exaggerated performance of feminity by men. Seen as deviant.
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Give characteristics of people who are 'camp'.
1) Ironic and over the top performances. 2) Not 'macho'. 3) Acting more fem than masc, whilst not necessarily being gay.
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What are some stereotypical roles for men?
Joker, big shot, strong silent type and buffoon. Basically strong and in control.
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What are some female stereotypical roles?
Career woman, soccer mum, femme fatale and dumb blonde. Women are more subordinate than men.
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Card 2


What else does Connell state about how gender roles?


1) Women judged for looks, men judged on a wider range of things like intelligence and skill. 2) Aggression/toughness are seen as positive for men. 3) Men can be sexually promiscuous, if a woman is it' seen as deviant.

Card 3


State the four identities James Gee proposed in his Identity Theory.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Nature Identity?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Discursive Identity?


Preview of the front of card 5
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