Gender Identity and Education

What does Paechter say about verbal abuse?
Name calling is helping to shape gender identity and maintain male power, use negative labels such as 'gay', 'queer' and '******' are ways in which pupils police each other's sexuality
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What does Parker say about verbal abuse?
Boys were called 'gay' for being friendly with girls or female teachers, these labels often bear no relation to pupils' actual sexual behaviour- their function is to reinforce gender norms and identities
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What does Mac an Ghail say about male peer groups?
They studied Parnell school, the working class 'macho lads' and the middle class '******** achievers', middle class 'real Englishmen'
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What does Mac an Ghail say about teachers and discipline?
Male teachers told boys off for 'behaving like girls' and teased them when they gained lower marks in tests than girls, teachers tend to ignore boys' verbal abuse towards girls and blamed the girls for attracting it
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What did Askew and Ross say about teachers and discipline?
Shows how male teachers often have a protective attitude towards female colleagues, coming into their lesson to 'rescue' them by threatening pupils who are being disruptive
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What is the male gaze?
The way male pupils and teachers look girls up and down, seeing them as sexual objects and making judgements about their appearance
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What did Mac an Ghail say about the male gaze?
Dominant heterosexual masculinity is reinforced&femininity devalued, its how boys prove their masculinity to their friends and is often combined with constant telling and retelling of stories about sexual conquests.
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What happens to boys who don't do this?
They run the risk of being called gay
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What does Lees say about double standards?
Double standard of sexual morality in which boys boast about their sexual exploits, but call girls a '****' if she doesn't have a steady boyfriend, or if she dresses or speaks in a certain way
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What do Feminists say about double standards?
Patriarchal ideology that justifies male power and devalues women. Double standards are seen as a form of social control that reinforces gender inequality by keeping females subordinate to males
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What does Archer say about female peer groups?
W-C girls gain symbolic capital from their female peers by performing a hyper-heterosexual feminine identity
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What does this involve?
Constructing a glamorous or **** Nike appearance using particular brands and styles
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Female peers police this identity and run the risk of what if they fail to conform?
Becoming unpopular and being called a tramp
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What did Ringrose study?
A small scale study of 13-14 year old W-C girls' peer groups in a South Wales school
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What did Ringrose find?
That being popular was crucial to the girls identity
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What happened as the girls made the transition from a girls friendship group into the heterosexual dating culture?
They faced a tension between an idealised feminine identity and a sexualised identity
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What is an idealised identity?
identity of showing loyalty to the female peer group, being non-competitive and getting along with everyone within their friendship culture
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What is a sexualised identity?
Competing for boys
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What does Currie et al argue about sexualised identities?
That white relationships with boys can confer symbolic capital, its a high risk game cos girls are forced to balance between 2 identities
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What happens to girls who are too competitive and/or think they are better than their peers?
They run the risk of being '**** shamed'
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What happens to girls who do not compete for a boyfriend?
They run the risk of being 'frigid shamed' by other girls
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Why is shaming called a social control device?
Because school girls police, regulate and discipline each other's identities
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does Parker say about verbal abuse?


Boys were called 'gay' for being friendly with girls or female teachers, these labels often bear no relation to pupils' actual sexual behaviour- their function is to reinforce gender norms and identities

Card 3


What does Mac an Ghail say about male peer groups?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does Mac an Ghail say about teachers and discipline?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Askew and Ross say about teachers and discipline?


Preview of the front of card 5
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