WJEC Paper 2 Revision

  • Created by: PGiffney
  • Created on: 03-06-22 12:16
What is: High Key Lighting?
How is it used?
High-key lighting reduces the lighting ratio in the scene, meaning there’s less contrast between the darker tones and the brighter areas.
[The brightly lit scenes often suggest an upbeat mood and positive message. This look can also imply truth and openn
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What is: Low Key Lighting?
How is it used?
Low-key lighting has greater contrast between the dark and light areas of the image with a majority of the scene in shadow.
[Low-key lighting is often used for more serious, dramatic or narrative videos. With its moody, dark tones, “low-key lighting is e
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Define: Plot
Plot is the narrative order that the story is told in.
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Define: Story
Story is the ideas & events of the narrative whole.
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Define: Representation
Representation is the way that people, places and events are constructed.
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Define: Skyfall's 'aesthetics'
Skyfall is gritty and realistic throughout most of the film, in contrast to previous Bond films. Yet it keeps some luxury aspects (the Casino, the credit sequence, etc.) to continue the escapist ideas of the previous 50 years of Bond films.
It is a dichot
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Define: Context
Give an example re: Slumdog Millionaire
When, where, how, and why the film is set.
The time, place and circumstances.

Slumdog Millionaire was made in Mumbai, India in 2008 and shows a dichotomy of life in India – poor, begging children living
alongside others in wealth and safety, enjoying th
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What is 'cause and effect' in regards to narrative?
When an audience are viewing a film, they connect events and actions through cause and effect. Usually the characters in a film drive the story forward by performing certain actions (the cause) that in turn creates a response in other characters (the effe
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What is 'ellipsis' in regards to narrative?
Ellipsis is the narrative device of omitting a portion of the sequence of events, allowing the reader to fill in the narrative gaps. (e.g. we see someone board and then exit a train - we do not need to see the 8 hour journey in between but assume they
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Define: 'Climax' in terms of narrative
its point of highest tension and drama, or it is the time when the action starts during which the solution is given
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What is Todorov's basic 3-step* theory of narrative?
Beginning, middle, end.
Beginning - where things are balanced, fine; all is
Middle - the balance is upset, things need to be fixed
End - things are resolved, the problem is 'fixed'

(Fancy terms for it:
Equilibrium, disruption, resolution)
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Card 2


Low-key lighting has greater contrast between the dark and light areas of the image with a majority of the scene in shadow.
[Low-key lighting is often used for more serious, dramatic or narrative videos. With its moody, dark tones, “low-key lighting is e


What is: Low Key Lighting?
How is it used?

Card 3


Plot is the narrative order that the story is told in.


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Card 4


Story is the ideas & events of the narrative whole.


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Card 5


Representation is the way that people, places and events are constructed.


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