Features of Medieval England and their affect on health.

Catholics believed they needed to be pure and needed to earn a place in heaven, causing them to help the sick and needy. This would increase the spread of disease due to a high amount of contact.
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Divine rights of Kings.
The medieval people and their kings, believed that kings were put on the earth by god to rule, this meant that unlike the Romans the kings did not see the need to present their people with good buildings, proper roads or sewage/water supplies.
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Peasants poor quality of life.
The peasants barely made a profit form the hard labour working the land, this meant they lived on a poor diet and overworked to malnutrition, causing very bad health.
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Technological limits.
The printing press wasnt around untill the 1470's and so the microscope was obviously not even a consideration in medieval England, this meant that germs, microbes and bacteria were completely onknown my the medieval people.
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The four humours.
This theory by the greeks, although technically incorrect, encouraged the natural way of thinking throughout the years.
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Growth of the wool trade.
The growth of the wool trade provided extra income for Englands workers and increased their quality of life, and added to the nations wealth. Wool traders sold wool at great profit and so the gained the most.
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Growth of towns.
The growth of towns meant that they were more developed in some ways, however the growth of the town led to a growth of population and could lead to extreme overcrowding within the household, causing an increase in the spread of communicable disease.
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Daily life and leisure
Medieval people enjoyed drinking, but this could lead to excessive drinking and violence. Excessive drinking can cause health issues related to kidneys etc. but this was not known to the them due to a very basic understanding of medicine.
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Card 2


The medieval people and their kings, believed that kings were put on the earth by god to rule, this meant that unlike the Romans the kings did not see the need to present their people with good buildings, proper roads or sewage/water supplies.


Divine rights of Kings.

Card 3


The peasants barely made a profit form the hard labour working the land, this meant they lived on a poor diet and overworked to malnutrition, causing very bad health.


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Card 4


The printing press wasnt around untill the 1470's and so the microscope was obviously not even a consideration in medieval England, this meant that germs, microbes and bacteria were completely onknown my the medieval people.


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Card 5


This theory by the greeks, although technically incorrect, encouraged the natural way of thinking throughout the years.


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