Physical - climate
- Most places rely on rainfall, which feeds lakes+rivers, for their water supply.-Hot climate=water lost from lakes/rivers due to evaporation.-Climate change is altering amount of rainfall in places. - Many areas are getting drier=droughts.
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Physical - geology
-Rain falls on impermeable rock(e.g.clay)=it cant soak in=flows off into rivers and lakes=easy to get water from. -Rain falls on permeable rock(e.g.sandstone)=flows through them=form underground water stores (aquifers)=harder to get to.
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Economic/social factors - over-abstraction
-More water is being used than is being replaced. - Caused by pop. growth+economic development, improvements in sanitation/personal hygiene (e.g.more showers), high demand from businesses,such as tourism/recreation (e.g. golf courses in arid region).
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Economic/social factors - pollution of water sources
-E.g. in rivers+groundwater. - Reduces amount of clean water that is available. - Major problem in rapidly industrialising countries, where lots of industrial waste is dumped into rivers without being treated. - Human/animal waste contamination.
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Economic/social factors - limited infrastructure
- Rapid urbanisation=water pipes+sewers cant be built quickly enough to supply the pop.+prevent sewage from contaminating the supply.
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Economic/social factors - poverty
- Water providers charge a fee for supplying water to homes. - People who are too poor to pay for it have to find other sources of water, which may not be treated to make them safe to drink.
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Card 2


Physical - geology


-Rain falls on impermeable rock(e.g.clay)=it cant soak in=flows off into rivers and lakes=easy to get water from. -Rain falls on permeable rock(e.g.sandstone)=flows through them=form underground water stores (aquifers)=harder to get to.

Card 3


Economic/social factors - over-abstraction


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Card 4


Economic/social factors - pollution of water sources


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Card 5


Economic/social factors - limited infrastructure


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