Ethnic Identity

How are ethnic identities created?
Ethnic identities are created through primary and secondary socialisation.
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Define Primary Socialisation.
Primary socialisation is socialsiation carried our by primary contacts. Parents/ Close family.
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Define Secondary Socialistion.
Secondary socialistion is socialistion carried out through secondary contacts. Peers/Religion ect.
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What did Ghumann argue?
Ghumann argued, Asian children are socialised into an identity that places importance and emphasis on religious commitment, duty, loyalty and family honour.
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Define Cultural Hybridity.
Cultural hybridity refers to the term which describes an individuals development of a 'new identity' learnt through S.S and the combination of their 'traditional' culture learnt through P.S.
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Define Diaspora.
Diaspora refers to when an individual from an ethnic minority has a culture which is a combination of traditional culture from their country of origin and elements of culture from the country which they reside in.
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What did Brah argue?
Brah argued, most young Asians have become skilled 'code-switchers' as a way of dealing with their cultural hybridity.
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What did Brah mean when he said 'Most Young Asians have become skilled 'code-switchers''?
Brah argued that most young Asians switch and choose which culture they portray according to their surroundings . When at home they adopt a more traditional ethnic culture compared to when it away from the home it is a more British culture.
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Define Resistance.
Ethnic identities may be created as a response to racism, discrimination and the feeling of powerlessness.
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What did Fannon argue?
in 1952 Fannon argued that not all ethnic minorities 'turn-inwards' and strengthen their ethnic identities as a response to rascism and discrimination.
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How do individuals respond to racism and discrimination according to Fannon?
Fannon found that some individuals are using a 'white mask' to cope and respond to racism and discrimination as they are denying ethnic identities in order to appear 'white' to survive.
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What does the term 'Black Atlantic' mean and who developed it?
'Black Atlantic is a term which was developed by Gilroy as a way to describe the identity which is created as a response to how an individual is treated. (Need more note on this)
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What did Cashmore and Tryona argue?
Cashmore and Troyna argued, religion is stronger in ethnic minorities as they look 'inwards' for a source of support.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Primary Socialisation.


Primary socialisation is socialsiation carried our by primary contacts. Parents/ Close family.

Card 3


Define Secondary Socialistion.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Ghumann argue?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define Cultural Hybridity.


Preview of the front of card 5
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