Ethnicity and Identity

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  • Ethnicity and Identity
    • Cultural features
      • In the 2011 census 14% of the English and Welsh population were from an ethnic minorities.
      • Culture based on shared origins is an important influence on ethnic identities
      • Moddood et al - cultural origins still play a key role in influencing the behaviour of Asians
    • Socialisation
      • Hill - some children learn western ideas from their peers at school etc. which brings their values into conflict with those of their parents
        • Ballard disagrees saying that at home people conform to their traditional ethnic identity and outside the home they act 'western'
      • Hides - women had the most important role in keeping ethnic identity going in the home and family
      • Gilborn - Afro-Caribbean students are often labelled as a problem by teachers
    • Racism
      • Some felt there was no point in trying to integrate into western society
      • Minorities responded to this discrimination was by holding on to their ethnic identities
      • Ethnic groups turned to each other for support i.e. the Black Pentecostal church
    • New Ethnic identites
      • Hall - Gender, class, sexual identity can be just as important as ethnic identity
      • Young people from ethnic minority backgrounds are developing hybrid identities
      • Second generation immigrants were more likely to see themselves as British
      • Basit - ethnic identities are dynamic and changeable
      • Younger people were more likely to be political and upfront about their ethnic identities


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