sociology key terms 6

not attending or belonging to churches, even though there is still a claim to holding religious beliefs.
1 of 6
Rites of passage
weddings, deaths, births
2 of 6
Disengaged from society
the withdrawal of religious organisations from many areas of life in which they used to be involved.
3 of 6
the shared culture of a group which gives its members a common identity in some ways different from other social groups.
4 of 6
Minority ethnic group
a social group that shares a cultural identity, which is different from that of the majority population.
5 of 6
Ethnic identity
one where individuals assert their identity primarily in terms of the ethnic group and culture to which they belong.
6 of 6

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Card 2


weddings, deaths, births


Rites of passage

Card 3


the withdrawal of religious organisations from many areas of life in which they used to be involved.


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Card 4


the shared culture of a group which gives its members a common identity in some ways different from other social groups.


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Card 5


a social group that shares a cultural identity, which is different from that of the majority population.


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