Ergogenic Aids

  • Created by: hanwiss1
  • Created on: 04-05-17 13:37
Define anabolic steroids and give an ADV and DISADV
a group of illegal synthetic hormones resembling testosterone to promote protein synthesis for muscle growth, recovery and repair. ADV; increased muscle mass and strength DISADV; acne and hormonal disturbances
1 of 12
Define Erythropoietin and give an ADV and DISADV
an illegal synthetic product copying natural erythropoietin hormone responsible for red blood cell production. ADV; increased red blood cell and haemoglobin count DISADV' increased blood viscosity
2 of 12
Define human growth hormone and give an ADV and DISADV
an illegal synthetic product copying natural growth hormone to increase protein synthesis for muscle growth, recovery and repair. ADV; increased speed of recovery DISADV; enlargement of the vital organs
3 of 12
Define blood doping and give one ADV and DISADV
an illegal method of increasing red blood cell content by infusing blood prior to competition. ADV; increased red blood cell and haemoglobin count. DISADV; increased blood viscosity
4 of 12
Define intermittent hypoxic training and give an ADV and DISADV
it is interval training with work intervals performed under hypoxic conditions in which is conditions of low partial pressures of oxygen. ADV; increased red blood cell, haemoglobin and oxygen carrying capacity. DISADV; any benefits are lody quickly
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Define cooling aids and give an ADV and DISADV
a range of products used to reduce core temperature, treat injury and speed up recovery
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Define glycogen loading and give an ADV and DISADV
the manipulation of carbohydrate intake in the week before competition to maximise stores of glycogen. ADV; increased endurance capacity DISADV; increased risk of injury
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How can dehydration lead to a decrease in performance
decreased heart regulation and increase in temperature, increased blood viscosity, increased heart rate, increased fatigue and decreased cognitive functioning and skill level
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Define creatine supplementation and give an ADV and DISADV
it is the consumption of creatine monohydrate to increase stores of PC to increase intensity and duration of performance. ADV; increased PC store. DISADV; Increased weight gain
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Define caffeine and give an ADV and DISADV
a stimulant used to heighten the central nervous system and mobilise fats to prolong aerobic energy production. ADV; increased nervous stimulation. DISADV; diuretic effect
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Define bicarbonate and give an ADV and DISADV
an alkaline which acts as a buffer to neutralise the rise in lactic acid associated with intense anaerobic exercise. ADV; increased buffering capacity. DISADV; Unpleasant taste
11 of 12
Define nitrates and give an ADV and DISADV
inorganic compounds which dilate blood vessels, reducing blood pressure and increasing blood flow to muscles. ADV; reduced blood pressure. DISADV; headaches and dizziness
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define Erythropoietin and give an ADV and DISADV


an illegal synthetic product copying natural erythropoietin hormone responsible for red blood cell production. ADV; increased red blood cell and haemoglobin count DISADV' increased blood viscosity

Card 3


Define human growth hormone and give an ADV and DISADV


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define blood doping and give one ADV and DISADV


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define intermittent hypoxic training and give an ADV and DISADV


Preview of the front of card 5
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