
  • Created by: KatieHe
  • Created on: 19-03-17 08:10
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  • Supplementation
    • Caffeine
      • If drunk prior to performance can cause significant increase in all fibre types during both anaerobic and aerobic exercise
        • Therefore improving fatigue resistance during performance
        • Consuming to much caffeine leads to a drop in performance, for endurance events such as a marathon
        • Stimulus central nervous system, reducing reaction times
      • Diuretic & promotes fat metabolism
      • Can produce a state of nervousness, disrupt sleeping pattern
    • Creatine
      • found in the skeletal muscle and is stored as phosphocreatine
        • Creatine together with CHO increases PC levels to enhance ATC-PC system
          • Delaying lactic acid system
            • This is a legal ergogenic aid
        • Help improve anaerobic power and lengthen the time in which they can apply maximal  power
          • Power athletes  such as a pole vault, willies ATP-PC system in training, needs lots of creatine
            • Creatine can cause muscle cramps, weight gaining can cause heart related disorders such as dehydration
    • Protein
      • Sportspeople need more protein than a normal person to enable muscle hypertrophy and repair muscles after training
        • Most protein supplementation is legal, but can cause liver & kidney damage in excess
        • Glutamine commonly used, enhances protein synthesis & enhances glycogen synthesis in recovery muscles
    • Herbal
      • Ginseng
        • Increase mental alertness, boost energy levels and immune system, increases VO and reduces OBLA
          • OBLA stands for Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation and it is the point during exercise at which lactic acid builds up in your blood and fatigue sets in.
      • Camomile
        • Known to reduce stress, support the immune system, promote tissue repair and assist sleeping
      • Arnica
        • Reduce inflammation, brushing and pain
      • Glucosamine
        • Reduce joint inflammation and stiffness
    • Bicarbonate of soda
      • Bicarbonate loading is where a performer ingests bicarbonate prior to a competition
        • Increase plasma bicarbonate, higher concentration of lactate in blood
        • Can lead to cramping, vomiting, bloating and diarrhoea
    • Alcohol
      • Relaxant in small amount


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