Enviormental Managment(Energy resources and the generation of electricty)

A Machine, often containing fins, that is made to revolve by gas, which is connect to a generator
1 of 10
A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
2 of 10
Fossil fuels and biofuels
These produce a masive amount of energy during combustion that used to heat water into steam which therby drives the turbines
3 of 10
Nuclear Power
A radioactive element that releases huge amounts of energy when nuclear fission occurs
4 of 10
Geothermal Power
When cold water is pumped under a pressure of hot rocks.
5 of 10
Wind power
Turbines that are equiped with shafts which are moved by the wind/air. Which is connected to a Generator that produces electricty
6 of 10
Solar Power
Uses Photovoltaic cells that produce a small charge of elctricty when exposed to light.
7 of 10
Tidal Power
Uses the natural rise and fall in the level of water in an area.
8 of 10
Wave power
Uses turbine and genrator and uses the smaller differences in water levels that are caused by the wind
9 of 10
Hydrol-electric power
Uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir then released from the reservoir that flows through the turbine roatating it then the turbine activates a generator that generates electricity.
10 of 10

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Card 2




A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

Card 3


Fossil fuels and biofuels


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Nuclear Power


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Geothermal Power


Preview of the front of card 5
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