English language theorists

Peter Trudgill 1974
Non-standard pronunciation in men compared to women's language
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Robin lAKOFF 1975
More sexist approach, said that women often are more submissive in the way they talk in comparison to men. Men have more authority when talking as women tend to try their best to please to receiver
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Zimmerman and West 1975
To do with mansplaining and interruptions; 90% more of interruptions came from men . Did the study
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Eakins and Eakins 1976
Did another interruption based experiment and concluded that men interrupt more, talk for longer and get interrupted less and women get interrupted more and agree with others more
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Fathered LAKOFF's work, believed that language was situation-specific and it relied on who held authority in the conver
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Jane Pilkington
Affirm solidarity and maintain relationships, men wanted to challenge each other's view points and disagree. 9 month experiment in a bakery observing language between men and women
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Card 2


More sexist approach, said that women often are more submissive in the way they talk in comparison to men. Men have more authority when talking as women tend to try their best to please to receiver


Robin lAKOFF 1975

Card 3


To do with mansplaining and interruptions; 90% more of interruptions came from men . Did the study


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Card 4


Did another interruption based experiment and concluded that men interrupt more, talk for longer and get interrupted less and women get interrupted more and agree with others more


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Card 5


Fathered LAKOFF's work, believed that language was situation-specific and it relied on who held authority in the conver


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