Elizabethan England: Foreign issues

  • Created by: JacubL
  • Created on: 04-02-21 14:18
What did Philip of Spain do straight after Mary Tudor's death in 1558?
He proposed to Elizabeth (his sister in law), which she politely refused
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In 1568 what issue occurred from a foreign country?
Mary, Queen of Scots arrives in England from Scotland having lost the civil war against her nobility and having left her child James
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What rebellion in 1569 hoped to free Mary, Queen of Scots to oppose Elizabeth
The Northern rebellion (Earls of Northumberland and Westmoreland)
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What left Elizabeth excommunicated and with more Catholics against her in 1570?
The Papal Bull
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What plot in 1571 had an Italian banker promise to financially support Catholic plots against Elizabeth?
The Ridolfi plot
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In 1572 what happened in a foreign country?
The Saint Bartholomew's day massacre in France left hundreds of Protestants (including the French Protestant Royal Family) dead at the hands of Catholics, certain Puritans are there to witness (Sir Francis Walsingham)
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What accomplishment is achieved in 1580?
Sir Francis Drake returns to England with millions of pounds worth of stolen Spanish Silver as the first Englishman to sail around the world (his personal wealth is estimated at £122 million)
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What victory did the English win through mainly luck in 1588?
The defeat of the Spanish Armada
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What speech of Elizabeth's was this from? "I may have a body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King"
Elizabeth's Tilbury speech in 1588
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Card 2


In 1568 what issue occurred from a foreign country?


Mary, Queen of Scots arrives in England from Scotland having lost the civil war against her nobility and having left her child James

Card 3


What rebellion in 1569 hoped to free Mary, Queen of Scots to oppose Elizabeth


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Card 4


What left Elizabeth excommunicated and with more Catholics against her in 1570?


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Card 5


What plot in 1571 had an Italian banker promise to financially support Catholic plots against Elizabeth?


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