Editing Keywords

Post production
Phase that follows filming phase
1 of 28
Screen time
How much time a character has on screen as the focus of interest
2 of 28
Shot/reverse shot
Most conventional way of filming a conversation
3 of 28
Master shot
Filming a scene from a long distance so the whole scene is visible
4 of 28
Cut away
Cutting between master shot and other shots
5 of 28
Seeing dramatic action before a cut to reactions to it
6 of 28
Reaction before cut to action
7 of 28
Cutting back and forth between different scenes
8 of 28
Condensing time during a scene by removing obvious action
9 of 28
Long take
Shots that last longer than average, usually a tracking shot
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Short take
Brief shot quickly cutting to another shot
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Group of shots designed to give impression as a whole
12 of 28
Dynamic editing
Frequent cross-cutting and short takes to create an impressionistic understanding rather than narrative
13 of 28
Continuity editing
Coherent sequence which does not disrupt time and space
14 of 28
Most basic way of moving from one shot to another
15 of 28
Match on action
Action is filmed from multiple angles and cut together to make one smooth action
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Match on dialogue
Something said in one scene has significance in the next shot
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Eyeline match
Shot of person looking at something, next shot is of the object of their gaze
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Transparent editing
Editing style which makes the viewer as unaware as possible of the camera/editing
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Non-transparent editing
Editing style aiming to keep the viewer aware they are watching media, not reality
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Added in post to move from one shot to the next
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Transition where one screen slides over or pushes another
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Transition where one scene dissolves into the next
23 of 28
Fade to black
Transition where the picture on screen fades until you are left with a black screen
24 of 28
Graphic match
Clear visual link between a shot and the one that follows
25 of 28
Split screen
Multiple screens shown at once
26 of 28
Slow motion
Slowing down action
27 of 28
Deliberately putting contrasting scenes together
28 of 28

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How much time a character has on screen as the focus of interest


Screen time

Card 3


Most conventional way of filming a conversation


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Filming a scene from a long distance so the whole scene is visible


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Cutting between master shot and other shots


Preview of the back of card 5
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