Edexcel - The Depression in Britian

Edexcel GCSE History - Britain 1931 to 1951 - Sources

  • Created by: Felicity
  • Created on: 04-06-11 13:36
A National Government was set up to try and reduce unemployment. This was a coalition government made up of three parties, Conservative, Liberal Democrats and Labour. Who led this government?
Ramsay MacDonald
1 of 10
This National Government came up with two main veiws: The Traditional View and Spend,Spend,Spend View. True or False?
2 of 10
What was the Traditional View?
The government should do little to help the economy and the depression will revive itself when world trade increased.
3 of 10
Public spending cuts were introduced and the government decided to come off the Gold Standard. What was the Gold Standard?
Where the pound had been valued against the British gold reserves.
4 of 10
To try and prevent the economic crisis happening again the government passed the Import Duty Act.True or False?
5 of 10
In whatyear did the Government introduce the Means Test?
6 of 10
Why did woman suffer worst of all by unemplyment.
They were the first to be laid off.
7 of 10
National Insurance on covered the worker of the household. True or False?
8 of 10
What was the worst affected town from the depression?
9 of 10
The________ Crusade marched to London led by the Mayor in their best clothes and they recieved great support from the public.
10 of 10

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Card 2


This National Government came up with two main veiws: The Traditional View and Spend,Spend,Spend View. True or False?



Card 3


What was the Traditional View?


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Card 4


Public spending cuts were introduced and the government decided to come off the Gold Standard. What was the Gold Standard?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


To try and prevent the economic crisis happening again the government passed the Import Duty Act.True or False?


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