Economic growth under the Nazis

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 08-06-13 13:10
What were started which ended up giving 80,000 people jobs?
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What did the Nazis do with the statistics?
Altered them to make unemployment look lower that it was
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What number did they manage to reduce unemployment to?
Under half a million
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The RAD (National Labour Service) was set up, what did it entail?
Aimed at 18-25 year olds, 6 months of work, aimed at those who didn't have a job during the Depression, gave experience
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The Nazis part banned trade unions and replaced it with what? Who was in charge?
German Labour Front and Dr Robert Ley was put in charge
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Strength Through Joy was introduced as a scheme to what?
Organise cheap holidays, leisure activites; cinema, concerts etc
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Beauty of Labour was also set up to what?
Improve working conditions
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The Volkswagen (people's car) was introduced to do what?
Give an insentive to work
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What weren't workers allowed to go on?
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Wages were what?
Relatively low
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In the New Plan, what measures did Schacht take to reduce imports and unemployment?
Controlled imports and exports, as production increase - unemployment decreased
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What did the Nazis do with the army?
Built it back up in secret because it was against the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
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The Four Year Plan was introduced, who was in charge?
Goering - who had little economic knowledge
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The Plan was to do what?
Prepare Germany for war
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Industrial production, what?
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The idea was to make Germany self-sufficient, but by 1939, what statistic showed the country wasn't heading that way?
Germany was still importing 1/3 of its raw materials from foreign countries
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Production of what increased meaning employment did as well?
Guns, tanks and aircraft, even women contributed during the war
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the Nazis do with the statistics?


Altered them to make unemployment look lower that it was

Card 3


What number did they manage to reduce unemployment to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The RAD (National Labour Service) was set up, what did it entail?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The Nazis part banned trade unions and replaced it with what? Who was in charge?


Preview of the front of card 5
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