Hitlers road to becoming chancellor


Financial support

The Nazi party received funds from big Industrialists:

  • Bosch was an example 
  • They were terrified of communism
  • They were concerned at the growth of trade unions
  • Hitler also hated communism and would reduce trade union influence

How this helped

600 000 copies of the Nazi economic programme were distributed in the
July 1932 election.

The financial support helped fund the party's campaign and travel. Hitler travelled in a private plane to give speeches.

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The SA

January 1931 - Ernst Roehm was reappointed Leader of the SA,
within a year membership rose to 170 000.


  • Disrupted political rival meetings, especially Communists.
  • Defended Nazi meetings
  • Fought 'Red front fighters' in the streets.

Hitler used the SA to show that they would provide a strong government
(Parliamentary democracy couldn't)

This also showed that he could remove the threat of a communist revolution and violence. 

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Josef Goebbels was head of propaganda.


  • Mass rallies
  • Posters
  • Banners

These tactics were used so it would seem as though the Nazis were everywhere.

  • The Nazi message was simple and repeated frequently 
  • Radio and Cinema were used
  • Alfred Hugenberg, a newspaper tycoon and national party leader, became close
    to the Nazi party and allowed them to publish articles against Bruning.

This allowed the Nazi message to be put into people's homes and the campaign against
the Weimar to be pushed further.

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Reparations and War debts.

Dawes Plan (1924):

Germany takes loans from the USA to help improve the economy and industry. This improved employment, which increased exports and trade, causing higher profits. These new profits went back into helping the industry. Germany increased their tax revenue and the money went to pay off reparations to their allies. The allies paid off their war debts to the USA.

Young Plan (1929):

The young plan decreased the total amount of reparations Germany needed to pay and extended their time. France withdrew from the Rhineland earlier than agreed. 

October 1929 - The US stock market collapsed and withdrew their loans made under the Dawes Plan

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The impact of the German economy

Loans from the USA led to 5 years of prosperity, removal of inflation and improved investment/ industry. 

October 1929 - The US stock market collapsed and withdrew their loans made under the Dawes Plan. Germany was now in Depression.

By 1932 over 6 million were unemployed, factories closed and food prices fell which made it hard for farmers to make a living profit.The government financed unemployment relief and revenue began to shrink. The threat of benefit cuts meant workers looked to extreme parties for solutions.

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