drama element

What is plot?
ELEMENT- The plot of the drama is shown in the 'through-line' of the drama - its beginning, middle and end - although it doesn't have to be presented in a linear structure. The characters in a play are also part of the plot.
1 of 9
What is action?
ELEMENT-The action of the drama consists in the events that the characters take part in as they act the play.
2 of 9
What is content?
ELEMENT- The content of the drama lies in the themes it deals with, eg bullying, the responsibilities of power, the bravery of ordinary people etc.
3 of 9
What is dramatic forms?
ELEMENT-The form of a drama is the way that the story is told, the way the characters play their parts, and/or the way the themes are explored.
4 of 9
What is climax/ anti-climax?
ELEMENT-The use of climax and anti-climax (the building and releasing of tension) in a drama is crucial, as it creates a sense of expectation in the audience.
5 of 9
What is contrast?
ELEMENT-There's a range of dramatic conventions (techniques) that have been used to create dramatic effects in plays and spectacles for centuries.
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What is characterisation?
ELEMENT- The way an actor plays a role, using his/her acting skills to create a character in a drama, is known as characterisation.
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What is conventions?
8 of 9
What is symbols?
ELEMENT-Dramas are produced to a great extent through the use of symbols - or representations - standing in for real things. Many of the following can be understood as symbols.
9 of 9

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Card 2


ELEMENT-The action of the drama consists in the events that the characters take part in as they act the play.


What is action?

Card 3


ELEMENT- The content of the drama lies in the themes it deals with, eg bullying, the responsibilities of power, the bravery of ordinary people etc.


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Card 4


ELEMENT-The form of a drama is the way that the story is told, the way the characters play their parts, and/or the way the themes are explored.


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Card 5


ELEMENT-The use of climax and anti-climax (the building and releasing of tension) in a drama is crucial, as it creates a sense of expectation in the audience.


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