digestive system structure and function

  • Created by: anna888
  • Created on: 12-01-23 16:54
describe journey of food
oral cavity-pharynx-epiglottis-stomach-duodenum-jejunum-ileum-caecum-ascending colum- transverse colum-desending colum-sigmoid colum- rectum-anus
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describe mucosa layers- describe each
epitheal with glands, lamina propria with small blood vessles and bit of connective tissue, musularis externas as thin muscle layer
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desribe submusocal layer
connective tissue and blood vessels. nerves as submucosal plexus in controlling secretion and contraction
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describe muscularis externas layer
cicular and londituial muscle in peristalis, nerves as myenteric plexus. outisde as adventitia and or serosa. serosa only in peritonial cavity organs which have movement. retroperitonial dont move so have no serosa
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what is epitheilum in oral cavity
stratfied squamous-protection
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epitheium and structure in oesphagus
above diaphram- stratifired squamous, below- columnar epithelium. sphincter at bottom to prevent reflux
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stomach adaptions
rugae folding for sa. gastric pits and glands for secretion
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what glands in cardiac region
cardiac glands - secrete alkiline mucas
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what glands in coprus
corpus fundic glands- 1. cheif cells- enzymes 2. pariteal- acid 3.muscoasl neck cells 4. endocrine- stimulates secretion
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what glands in pyloric region
pyloric glands- endocrine glands
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what are the small intestine adaptions
1.plicae (folds) 2. villi 3. mirocvillli 4. tubular glands and goblet cells
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where in the SI does the pancreatic and bile ducts empty
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large intestines structure
smooth and lots of secretion cells
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whats in pancreas, whats the difference
endocrine and exocrine glands. endo is blood system. exo is ducts
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what 3 hormones secretes by endocrine in pancreas
insulin, glucagon and somatostatin
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insulin details
produced by beta cells in islets of langerhans. uptake of glucose, synthesis of protiens, glycogen,fatty acids
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glucagon details
produced by alpha cells, increases glucose levels in blood
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somatostatin details
produced by delta cells, inhibits insulin and glucagon secretion
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


describe mucosa layers- describe each


epitheal with glands, lamina propria with small blood vessles and bit of connective tissue, musularis externas as thin muscle layer

Card 3


desribe submusocal layer


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


describe muscularis externas layer


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is epitheilum in oral cavity


Preview of the front of card 5
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