Diet and Nutrition

What are the average percentages for a balanced diet?
55% carb, 15% protein, 30% fat
1 of 29
What are the 2 forms of carbohydrates?
Starches and sugars
2 of 29
How do starches and sugars stored in the body?
Starches - stored as glycogen in muscles and liver, sugar - circles blood stream as glucose
3 of 29
What are carbohydrates needed for?
Energy production, cell division, molecule formation
4 of 29
What are proteins found as in the body?
Amino acids
5 of 29
What are amino acids used for?
Growth and repair of tissues, making enzymes, energy production
6 of 29
What are the 2 types of fats? Give examples
Saturated - butter/bacon Unsaturated - avocado
7 of 29
What are fats needed for?
Energy production, cushion organs, provide vitamins
8 of 29
What does unsaturated fats provide which is needed by athletes?
9 of 29
What are minerals needed for?
Bone and teeth health, enzymes, food breakdown
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What is calcium needed for?
Bone health, muscle contraction, blood clotting, nerve transmission
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What is iron needed for?
Haemoglobin production, enzyme reactions, immune system
12 of 29
What is phosphorus needed for?
Bone health, energy production
13 of 29
Name the fat soluble vitamins
A, D, E, K
14 of 29
Name the water soluble vitamins
C, B
15 of 29
What is vitamin A needed for?
Antioxidant, eye cell and bone health
16 of 29
What is vitamin D needed for?
Bone health, protection from cancer and heart disease
17 of 29
What is vitamin E needed for?
Antioxidant, skin eye and immune system health
18 of 29
What is vitamin K needed for?
Blood clotting, bone health
19 of 29
What is vitamin C needed for?
Skin, blood, tendon, ligament and bone health
20 of 29
What is vitamin B needed for?
Food breakdown, haemoglobin, skin eye and nervous system health
21 of 29
What is fibre needed for?
Normal function of large intestine
22 of 29
What is water needed for?
Temperature regulation, chemical reactions, transporting substances
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What can dehydration result in?
Decreased plasma volume, increased temperature & HR
24 of 29
What is energy intake?
Total amount of energy from food and beverages consumed a day
25 of 29
What BMR?
The minimum amount of energy required to sustain essential physiological function at rest
26 of 29
What is the thermic effect of food?
Energy required to eat, digest and use food taken in
27 of 29
What is energy expenditure?
Sum of BMR, thermic effect of food and physical activity energy expenditure
28 of 29
What is physical activity energy expenditure?
Total number of calories required to perform daily tasks
29 of 29

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the 2 forms of carbohydrates?


Starches and sugars

Card 3


How do starches and sugars stored in the body?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are carbohydrates needed for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are proteins found as in the body?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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