Day Care

a quiz to help you revise the day care section! Hope it helps :)

  • Created by: Lizzy
  • Created on: 03-01-12 17:02

1. What is meany by 'day care'?

  • A type of attachment
  • It refers to a form of temporary care that is not provided by the parents
  • Where infants are brought up as soon as they are born
  • How the parents bring up their child
1 of 11

Other questions in this quiz

2. Day care is probably the most common place where infants experience physical separation from their primary attachment figure

  • True
  • False

3. What did the NICHD find from their longitudinal study in 1991

  • Children who did not spend time in day care showed more aggression than those who did
  • Children who spent time in day care were less likely to be linked to crime later in life
  • Children who spent time in day care, the more adults rated them as assertive, disobedient and aggressive.
  • Children who spent time in day care were shown to have learning difficulties later in life

4. What conclusions did Belsky and Rovine make from their study in 1988?

  • Children who received day care during their first year displayed poor verbal skills as 3-4yrs
  • Children who spent time in day care did better in their education than others
  • Infants receiving 20 hours+ of day care per week before the age of one were more likely to be insecurely attached compared to children at home, and therefore less likely to be successful in peer relations
  • There were negative effects on the child cognitive development

5. Good day care can provide plenty of stimulation for the child, whereas children at home may lack social interaction

  • True
  • False


Zoe Thomas


pretty sure a nanny doesn't count as day care as it's a one on one form of care and it takes place in the home.



I agree with the person above, a nanny don't count as day care.



I don't know but in my text book it says 'There are many other different types of day care including home day care, where a child care professional cares for the the child in their own home (remember Mary Poppins?)' so i just assumed this was basically a nanny. :)



i agree but it says that it is the wrong answer so wat is the right answer cause i got that question wrong

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