Other questions in this quiz

2. The spectrum of speech sounds is

  • Independent of the language of the speaker
  • Conveyed to the brain only by neural responses in the vesbular system
  • Encoded through the distribution of neural activity by place along the basilar membrane
  • Discernible by humans, but not by other mammals

3. Where is Broca’s area

  • the posterior frontal lobe
  • posterior temporal lobe
  • anterior temporal lobe
  • arcuate fasciculus

4. A patient who can gesture to an object but cannot name it is most likely to suffer from:

  • opc aphasia
  • anomia
  • a semantic impairment
  • it depends on whether they can name the object from other modalities

5. The two dimensions of articulation shown on a vowel chart are:

  • High-low, front-back
  • Rounded-unrounded, spread-unspread
  • High-low, spread-unspread
  • Rounded-unrounded, front-back


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