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6. Anomia is an aphasic impairment where there are difficulties in retrieving words. It is characterized by

  • use of circumlocutions
  • susceptibility to cueing
  • all of the answers
  • strong frequency effects

7. The two dimensions of articulation shown on a vowel chart are:

  • Rounded-unrounded, front-back
  • High-low, front-back
  • High-low, spread-unspread
  • Rounded-unrounded, spread-unspread

8. Which of the following statements about the basilar membrane is TRUE?

  • It responds equally well along its length to all audible frequencies
  • It responds best to low frequencies at the basal end and to high frequencies at the apical end
  • It is narrowest and stiffest at the basal end and widest and most elastic at the apical end
  • It completes almost eight turns from the base to the apex

9. The spectrum of speech sounds is

  • Encoded through the distribution of neural activity by place along the basilar membrane
  • Discernible by humans, but not by other mammals
  • Independent of the language of the speaker
  • Conveyed to the brain only by neural responses in the vesbular system

10. Which of the following is characteristic of vowel undershoot?

  • All vowels sound more like the high-front vowel /i/
  • Tongue positions retreat towards the centre of the mouth cavity
  • The tongue moves further towards the extremes of the mouth cavity
  • It helps the listener to distinguish different vowels from one another

11. Bilateral damage to the primary auditory cortex results in

  • All of the answers
  • Deficits in recognising environmental and speech sounds
  • Total deafness
  • Partial deafness

12. Which of the following statements about lip configuration is FALSE?

  • It plays a part only in the production of consonants
  • It can be described as spread, rounded, or unrounded
  • It affects the shape of the vocal tract
  • It affects the length of the vocal tract

13. The spoken English words tichatti and ticapti differ in:

  • The manner of articulation of the final consonant
  • The number of phonemes they contain
  • The manner of articulation of the final consonant
  • All answers are correct

14. Combining a word (e.g. tigenerateti) with a word ending (e.g. tiionti) is an example of:

  • morphology
  • pragmatics
  • phonetics
  • phonology

15. Lateralization effects with visual stimuli (better performance when presented on one side of space) can be shown

  • e. a and c
  • c. in control participants when a stimulus is shown for less than 100 ms
  • a. in people with a commissurotomy when a stimulus is shown for less than 100ms
  • d. a and b
  • b. in people with a commissurotomy disregarding how long the stimulus is shown for

16. In the case of word deafness

  • speech sounds as a foreign language
  • all of the above
  • consonants are identified better than vowels
  • performance on audiometric tests is abnormal

17. The auditory nerve in humans contains approximately _____ axons (nerve fibres)

  • 2'800
  • 28'000
  • 300'000
  • 1 million

18. Where is Wernicke's area

  • Posterior superior temporal lobe
  • Arcuate fasciculus
  • Posterior inferior frontal lobe
  • Anterior inferior temporal lobe
  • Angular gyros

19. Which one is correct

  • a. in most left handers the right hemisphere is dominant for speech;
  • b. in most right handers the left hemisphere is dominant for speech;
  • c. in both left and right handers the left hemisphere is dominant for speech.
  • d. both a and b

20. Which problems are shared by referential and feature theories of meaning:

  • which word to use depends on context;
  • All of the below
  • words are often defined by their association with other words;
  • Some categories have unclear boundaries;