Communications in Business

What is the purpose of internal communication?
To communicate information throughout the busines.
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What is the purpose of external communication?
To communicate information outside of the business with people like stakeholders
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What is the importance of internal communication?
So that the organisation can communicate with the members of staff to show the aims and objectives so that the staff can know their goals and are more likely to be determined to reach them.
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What is the importance of external communication?
External communication is important so that the customers are satisfied, it could also be important with people such as suppliers so things are ran efficiently.
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What are the benefits of effective internal communication?
Good internal communication allows us to co-ordinate activites well between different departments and staff. This could make staff more motivated which makes them work well together and therefor increase the profits.
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What are the benefits of effective external communication?
Well informed customers will feel like their opinion is important and they are more likely to become loyal to the business, if information is easily available to suppliers then they are more likely to provide high quality goods due to specifications.
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Card 2


What is the purpose of external communication?


To communicate information outside of the business with people like stakeholders

Card 3


What is the importance of internal communication?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the importance of external communication?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the benefits of effective internal communication?


Preview of the front of card 5
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