Child Language aquition nativism

Chomsky 1965
Nativism Suggested everyone is born with an innate ability to understand rules of language - called the LAD (language acquisition device).
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Berko 1958 WUG TEST
Nativism Children were shown a picture of a fictional creature and told it was a 'wug'. They were then shown a picture of two of the creatures and tole 'now there is another one, there are two of them - there are two...' encouraging the children t
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DeCasper and Spence 1986
Nativism Found that babies sucked on their dummies more when their mothers read them the same stories they'd also read aloud in the last six months of pregnancy.
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Mehler et al (1988)
Nativism Found that four day old French babies increased their sucking rate on a dummy, showing interest or recognition, when they heard French as opposed to Italian or English.
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Fitzpatrick (2002)
Nativism Found that the heart rate of an unborn baby slowed when it heard its mothers voice.
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Petitto and Holowka (2002)
Nativism Videoed infants and noticed that most babbling came more from the right side of the mouth, which is controlled by the left side of the brain. This side of the brain is responsible for speech production. Their findings suggest that babblin
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Bristol University (2008) study
Nativism A study at Bristol University in 2008 showed that babies who are exposed to different languages in the first nine months of their life are more able to pick out the sounds of these languages as they get older. This is because phonem
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Card 2


Berko 1958 WUG TEST


Nativism Children were shown a picture of a fictional creature and told it was a 'wug'. They were then shown a picture of two of the creatures and tole 'now there is another one, there are two of them - there are two...' encouraging the children t

Card 3


DeCasper and Spence 1986


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Card 4


Mehler et al (1988)


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Card 5


Fitzpatrick (2002)


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