Key theorists 2

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  • Key Theorists 2
    • Vygotsky: Social Interactionism
      • Zone of Proximal Development
        • Vygotsky developed a model to describe learning
        • Children have things they can do and things they can't do
        • In the middle is the ZPD. This consists of the things they can do but with help
        • Vygotsky claimed it is in their zone of proximal development that children are learning
      • More Knowledgeable other
        • Vygotsky strongly emphasized the role of a more advanced and skilled person/s in a child's life to provide help, support and encouragement
        • This is usually an adult/s but it can sometimes be another child
        • Typically the MKO scaffolds learning for a child
    • Chomsky (Nativism) 'the argument from the poverty of stimulus'
      • Chomsky argues that language is primarily a biologically inherited skill and that our natural capacity for language causes us to acquire whatever language is around us
      • We are driven to learn language by our genes
      • LAD (Language Acquisition Device) refers to a specific area of the brain which Chomsky said was responsible for processing language
      • Skinner says that children learn by imitation
      • But the language children are exposed is incomplete (i.e. a poor stimulus)
      • But children still workout the whole language
      • The answer lies in the child's mind
      • They have a biological gift for learning language a 'language acquisition device', that includes a natural knowledge of how languages work
    • Patricia Kuhl (the Genius of Babies)
      • Critical Period
        • The period where babies start to learn language.
        • It is critical for development because if you don't learn language then babies won't be able to speak that language
        • After 7 and after puberty (12/13 years old) it is harder to learn language
      • 'Citizen's of the World'
        • Children are born to listen and speak any language
        • They can distinguish every sound in every language
      • Phonemic expansion
        • Make all sounds we know
      • Phonemic Contraction
        • The sounds they make contract to their native language (9 months)


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