Other questions in this quiz

2. What is one problem with caregiver infant-interactions?

  • bad validity due to self report techniques used
  • Observation does not show importance. Feldman-gives names to patterns. Not useful
  • observations were filmed meaning they were controlled and had inter-rater reliability, good reliability and validity

3. What was Brazelton's theory?

  • reciprocity, the actions of one person (i.e. the primary caregiver) elicits a response from the other (i.e. the infant). Brezelton et al. (1975) describe this interaction as a 'dance'
  • ooh
  • iiii

4. What did Isabella et al find

  • higher reciprocity= higher synchrony
  • that higher synchrony= better attachment
  • lower synchrony = better attachment

5. Define reciprocity

  • Caregiver and baby respond to each other
  • baby copies caregiver
  • baby gives back
  • caregiver and baby respond to stimuli


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