care giver-infant interactions


care giver-infant interactions


  • filmed observations- lab bases experiment so extraneous variables are controlled
  • filming also means analyse can be done later so no key info is missed and more than one researcher can observe (inter rater rater reliability)
  • early interactions are important
  • practical application in parenting skill training


  • hard to interpret behaviour as young babies lack co ordination so unsure if movement is triggered by caregiver or just a random twitch
  • simple observation doesn't tell us any developmental importance
  • socially sensitive


+Babies don't know they are being filmed so no demand characteristics are present meaning good reliability and validity -cannot be 100% sure certain behaviours seen In caregiver infant interactions have a special meaning+Isabelle 1989 found achievement of interactional synchrony predicted development if good quality attachment meaning caregiver-infant in traction is important in development + Cromwell 2013 found 10 min parent interaction therapy improved interactional synchronised in 2 low income mothers and preschool children- argue that when mother returns to work too soon after having baby this may risk damaging babies development 


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