ATRIUM - the receiving chamber of the heart, taking in blood from either the body of the lungs
VENTIRCLE - the pumping chamber of the heart; blood is ejected from here to either the body or the lungs
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VALVES - are located between atria and ventricles, and ventricles and ateries, THEY PREVENT BACKFLOW
STROKE VOLUME - the volume of blood pumped out of the heart in one contraction
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HEART RATE - number of times the heart beats per minute
CARDIAC OUTPUT - the volume of blood pumped out of the heart per minute
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LETFT side of the heart - oxygenated blood
RIGHT side of the heart - deoxygenated blood
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ARTERIES - carry blood away from the heart
VEINS - caryy blood towards the heart
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Structure of arteries: the inner layer is a simple squamos epithelium surrounded by a connective tissue basement membrane with elastic fibres
Structure of veins: outer layer = connective tissue called the tunica adventica, the middle layer is a smooth muscle called tunica media, and the inner later is lined with endothelial cells called the tunica intima
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Components of Blood: platelets, plasma, red and white blood cells
Function of Plasma: transport nutrients to vital organs, and maintains pH balance
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Function of Platelets: cause clotting when cut to stop the bleeding
Functions of White Blood Cells: ingets pathogens and destroy them, fight infections,
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Vascular Shunt Mechanism
Vascular shunt refers to the distrubution of blood around the body., during exercise the shunt mechanism takes oxygen to places that need it the most
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Role of Arterioles in the VSM =
Role of Pre-Capillary Sphincters in the VSM =
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impact of physical activity on the Cardiovascular system:
Short Term: increases heart rate which decreases risk of injury, increases stroke volume meaning more oxygen is getting around the body
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Card 2


VALVES - are located between atria and ventricles, and ventricles and ateries, THEY PREVENT BACKFLOW


STROKE VOLUME - the volume of blood pumped out of the heart in one contraction

Card 3


HEART RATE - number of times the heart beats per minute


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


LETFT side of the heart - oxygenated blood


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


ARTERIES - carry blood away from the heart


Preview of the front of card 5
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