Biology keeping healthy

  • Created by: will
  • Created on: 29-05-13 10:15
name the food groups
carbohydrates,protiens,fats,vitamins,minerals,fibre and water
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what happens if you dont have a balanced diet
you come malnourished
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how much energy do people need
different people need diffeerent amounts of energy.
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what is a metabolic rate?
is the amount of energy needed it vairys from person to person
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if you exercise will you need more or less food
more as you will be burning energy with the exercise so will need more food to produce energy
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What happens if you take in more energy than you need?
the energy will turn into excess fat and is bad for your health and you may become obese..
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what happens if you do not get enough energy?
you become under nouerished and can lead to serious health problems e.g anorexia
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To lose excess fat what do you have to do.
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if you exercise regulary what will decrease and increase?
your fat will go down and it will turn into muscle
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name three types of infectious disease or pathogen
bacteria and viruses
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what do viruses do to make you ill
they damage your cells as they reproduce
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what do bacteria do to make you feel ill
they let out toxins
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what did semmelwise do in preventing diseases
he realised the importance of washing hands this prevented infectious diseases in hospital
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How does your body defend itself against pathogens
the body uses white blood cells
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name the three types of whitee blood cell and what they do?
antibodie-target and destroy pathogens antitoxins-stop the toxins enteering our body
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why doesnt medicen like aspirin actually kill your illness?
they are only painkillers
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what is an antibiotic?
an antibiotic work inside your body to kill the bacteria
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who discovered penicillin?
Alexander Flemming
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what is agar jelly?
Agar jelly is the perfect setting for bacteria and has all the niutrients it needs
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Why must everything be sterillized?
because it makes sure that we only get the bacteria wanted and not other bacteria
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cultures should be incubated at 25 c why is this.
To stop harmful pathogen growing
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What will happen if Bacteria evolves to withstand antibiotics and is it possible?
yes its possible bacteria evolves the same as we do and if they start to withstand drugs we will have to change our vaccinations completely.
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what actually happens when you get a vaccination?
they put a weakened or dead cell into your body your white blood cells start to produce antibodies that find and destroy the bug so that next time your white blood cells know *********** the pathogen
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what is an antigen?
antigens are the unique protiens on its surface called antigens
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once your body has had a vaccination it becomes what to the pathogen.
it becomes immune
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what is the main job of the nervous system.
the nervous system tells you whats going on around you
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you have special nervs for different things give me an example of that
ears-noise eyes-light nose-smell mouth-taste
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what is the difference of neuron and nerve?
once your body detects something i.e pain it will travel through neurons and lots of neurons are called a nerve
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give an example of when your responses are so fast you don't even think about it
if something comes near to your face you blink this is called a reflex
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what happens if you dont have a balanced diet


you come malnourished

Card 3


how much energy do people need


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a metabolic rate?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


if you exercise will you need more or less food


Preview of the front of card 5
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