Biology 1 - Life Processes

  • Created by: Ls
  • Created on: 06-05-14 19:43
8 life processes
movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, nutrition and control
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6 main groups of living organisims
plants, animals, bacteria, viruses, fungi and protoctists
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plant characteristics (4)
multicellular, chloroplasts, cellulose cell walls and store carbohydrates as glucose or starch
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animal characteristics (4)
multicellular, nervous coordination, no cell walls and store carbohydrates as glycogen
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fungus characteristics (5)
some single-celled, others mycelium body made of hyphae - contains many nuclei, saprotrophic nutrition, chitin cell walls, store carbohydrates as glycogen
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saprotrophic nutrition
secreting extracellular enzymes onto food and then absorb the nutrients
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protoctist characteristics (3)
single-celled (eukaryotic), some chloroplasts like plant cells others like animal cells, microscopic
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bacterium characteristics (4)
single-celled, some photosynthesize but others feed of other organisms, microscopic, no nucleus but circular chromosome of DNA
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virus characteristics (3)
particles (smaller than bacteria), parasites (only reproduce inside living cells), no cellular structure - protein coat and genetic material (nuclei acid DNA or RNA)
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name fungus
yeast, mucor
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name protoctist
chlorella, amoeba
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name bacterium
lactobacillus bulgaricus, pneumonicus
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name virus
influenza, HIV
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cause disease: fungi, bacteria, protoctists and viruses.
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genetic material, controls cell's activities
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chemical reactions (controlled by enzymes)
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cell membrane
controls what goes in and out of the cell
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cellulose cell wall
support and strength
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chlorophyll for photosynthesis
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cell sap (sugars and salts)
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protein synthesis
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levels of organisation
organelles, specialized cells (white/red blood cells), tissues (xylem, phloem), organs (leaves, lungs), organ systems (digestive system)
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particles from high to low concentration.
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factors affecting the rate of diffusion
temperature - more kinetic energy; bigger difference in concentration; large surface area to volume ratio
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water molecules across partially permeable membrane high to low water potential
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plant cells in relation to water and osmosis
well watered, contents push against cell wall, turgor pressure supports cell: turgid; if dehydrated, cell becomes flaccid
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active transport
solutes against concentration gradient, using energy from respiration and protein 'pumps'.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


plants, animals, bacteria, viruses, fungi and protoctists


6 main groups of living organisims

Card 3


multicellular, chloroplasts, cellulose cell walls and store carbohydrates as glucose or starch


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Card 4


multicellular, nervous coordination, no cell walls and store carbohydrates as glycogen


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Card 5


some single-celled, others mycelium body made of hyphae - contains many nuclei, saprotrophic nutrition, chitin cell walls, store carbohydrates as glycogen


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