Biology revision

True or false? All cells have a nucleus.
1 of 15
Name one feature that is present in ALL plant cells, but is never found in animal cells?
cell wall permanent vacuole vacuole
2 of 15
"Which part of a cell synthesises proteins?"
3 of 15
What is the name of the process that occurs in a cell's mitochondria
respiration cellular respiration aerobic respiration cell respiration
4 of 15
Which part of a plant cell absorbs light for photosynthesis? (Hint: Give the name of the part of the cell, not the substance.)"
chloroplast chloroplasts
5 of 15
What fluid is found inside a plant cell's permanent vacuole?
cell sap sap
6 of 15
In which type of cell would you find a permanent (sap) vacuole: a plant or animal cell?
plant cell plant
7 of 15
Which part of a cell controls the cell's activities?
8 of 15
Fill in the missing word in this sentence: the function of ribosomes is to synthesise __________.
proteins protein
9 of 15
The plant cell wall is made of a material called __________. What one word completes this sentence?
10 of 15
In a cell, most of the chemical reactions take place in the __________. What word completes the sentence?
11 of 15
Which parts of a cell provide the cell with energy?
12 of 15
Chloroplasts absorb energy from what?
light sun sunlight photons solar light energy
13 of 15
Plant cells have a cell wall instead of a cell membrane - true or false?
14 of 15
Another name for the cells in plants and animals is __________ cells. What word completes the sentence?
eukaryotic eukaryotic cells
15 of 15

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Card 2


Name one feature that is present in ALL plant cells, but is never found in animal cells?


cell wall permanent vacuole vacuole

Card 3


"Which part of a cell synthesises proteins?"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the name of the process that occurs in a cell's mitochondria


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Which part of a plant cell absorbs light for photosynthesis? (Hint: Give the name of the part of the cell, not the substance.)"


Preview of the front of card 5
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