Biology Revision

Which microscope works better nowadays for science? The electronic or the light ?
The electronic because it has a better picture and it can zoom in as far as you want.
1 of 8
What are Prokaryotic cells?
This was the first cell to ever appear on Earth. Simple organisms found everywhere on the planet. It is a singular organism (Unicellular organism) and it lacks a nucleus and other internal organelles.This has a flagellum.
2 of 8
What are Eukaryotic cells?
It has a nucleus. it is large in comparison to other cells. No flagella and cell wall not always present.
3 of 8
Name 3 characteristics of a Prokaryotic cell.
Simple and small. Has a Flagella. Does not have nucleus. Single-celled.
4 of 8
Name 3 characteristics of a Eukaryotic cell.
No flagella. Large and complex. Has nucleus. Evolved from Prokaryotic cells.
5 of 8
What is diffusion?
Diffusion is the process where particles move from a high concentration to a low concentration. All living cells need diffusion, for instance respiration.
6 of 8
What is Osmosis?
Movement of water through a selectively permable membrane.
7 of 8
What is selectively permable membrane?
It lets some substances through(water proof coat).
8 of 8

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Card 2


What are Prokaryotic cells?


This was the first cell to ever appear on Earth. Simple organisms found everywhere on the planet. It is a singular organism (Unicellular organism) and it lacks a nucleus and other internal organelles.This has a flagellum.

Card 3


What are Eukaryotic cells?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 3 characteristics of a Prokaryotic cell.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 3 characteristics of a Eukaryotic cell.


Preview of the front of card 5
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