Behaviourist Approach Flashcards

  • Created by: amber
  • Created on: 21-04-13 14:25
Assumption of the Behaviourist Approach
Assumes behaviour is determined by environment,which provides stimuli to which we respond, and past environments cause us to learn to respond to stimuli in a certain way. Reinforcement motivates our behaviour
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Implication of the Behaviourist Approach
Deterministic- our behaviour is determined by factors beyond our control in this case - environment.
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Studies that take the Behaviourist Approach
-->Griffiths -->Savage Rumbaugh --> Bandura -->Milgram
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Strength 1 of the Behaviourist Approach
Behaviourist explanations can be easily tested because they are operationalized. A good theory must be falsifiable and this is true of the behaviourist explanation. (Bandura)
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Strength 2 of the Behaviourist Approach
Provides evidence of the nurture side of the nature vs. nurture debate. (Savage Rumbaugh)
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Strength 3 of the Behaviourist Approach
Allows psychologists to investigate the effect of the environment on behaviour (Milgram)
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Weakness 1 of the Behaviourist Approach
Behaviourist explanations are reductionist,iththe consequences that they may prevent psychologists investigating other explanations for behaviour. e.g family relation or experiences, or role of emotions (Bandura)
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Weakness 2 of the Behaviourist Approach
Deterministic-suggests people are 'controlled' by factors outside their control,therefore lacking personal responsibility. -portrays humans as passive responders to environmental influences with no free will (Milgram)
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Weakness 3 of the Behaviourist Approach
It underestimates the role of biology and biological factors influencing behaviour. Excludes role of cognitive/mental factors. (Griffiths)
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Similarities of the Behaviourist Approach
Griffiths and Bandura - both snapshot. arcade vs nursery one test. Griffiths and Savage Rumbaugh- both quasi experiments gamblers vs bonobos. Griffiths and Milgram- both self selected Uni of Exeter vs New Haven area.
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Differences of the Behaviourist Approach
Griffiths and Bandura -method - field vs lab experiment. Savage Rumbaugh + Any - animals vs humans; Milgram and Griffiths - controlled observation vs field experiment
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Implication of the Behaviourist Approach


Deterministic- our behaviour is determined by factors beyond our control in this case - environment.

Card 3


Studies that take the Behaviourist Approach


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Strength 1 of the Behaviourist Approach


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Card 5


Strength 2 of the Behaviourist Approach


Preview of the front of card 5
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