b4 revision cards

definition of aerobic respiration
the release of energy inside living cells by breaking down glucose when oxygen is available
1 of 18
what is the word equation of aerobic respiration?
glucose+oxygen=carbon dioxide+water
2 of 18
what is the active site?
the place where the molecule fits into the enzyme
3 of 18
what are the two ways in which the shape of the active site can be changed?
1.heating the enzyme above a certain temperature 2. altering the pH level
4 of 18
what is respiration?
the release of energy from food chemicals in all living cells
5 of 18
what is anaerobic respiration?
the release of energy inside the cytoplasm without the use of oxygen
6 of 18
what is the word equation for anaerobic respiration?
glucose=lactic acid
7 of 18
name three uses of anaerobic respiration
1. it provides more energy to cells when it is necessary eg. the limbs when running quickly 2. anaerobic respiration in yeast used in baking. yeast in bread releases carbon dioxide which makes the dough rise. 3.yeast-produce alcohol-fermentation
8 of 18
what can the glucose in photosynthesis be used into?
it can be built into a polymer as cellulose (cell walls)
9 of 18
what can glucose and nitrates be joined to make?
amino acids, which then goes to protein
10 of 18
what are the three stages of photosynthesis?
1.light absorbed by chlorophyll. 2. within chlorophyll light energy is used to rearrange the CO2 and O2 into glucose. 3. oxygen then produced as waste product
11 of 18
what are the three limiting factors of photosynthesis and try explain them
1. temperature- as it rises so does photosyn rate 2.carbon dioxide concentration 3.light intensity
12 of 18
what are light levels measured with?
light meter
13 of 18
when collecting date about how light affects plants, what are the plant chosen with (random)
a quadrat and a transect
14 of 18
what is diffusion?
the overall movement of substances from regions of a high concentration to regions of low concentration
15 of 18
what is active transport?
the movement of a substance against a concentration (low concentration to a high concentration)
16 of 18
explain osmosis
type of diffusion. the overall movement of water from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution
17 of 18
what is the function of the membrane in osmosis?
allows the passage of water molecules, but not solute molecules which are too large
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the word equation of aerobic respiration?


glucose+oxygen=carbon dioxide+water

Card 3


what is the active site?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the two ways in which the shape of the active site can be changed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is respiration?


Preview of the front of card 5
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